Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Heard it was over 100 where Freckles lives ... ugh.
Thanks everybunn for all the cool-off ideas and offers to visit. I think we are stuck here for the duration. Maybe a little better tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Here is a block of ice wrapped in a damp towel with a fan blowing the cool air at Chico. That works well - although the house does not get cooler - 86 in here today. Block of ice lasts about 8 hrs!

Here is Racer sitting on the "frozen" stone tile. He did not stay there long. Neither did any one else!

Another "swamp cooler" blowing cool air at the 3 cages where the pairs live. You see Benji back there. We closed the windows and all the bunns just layed low - put them outside finally about 8 pm and they'll stay out until 11pm. House does not cool down - this 4 day hot spell is total unusual for here .. summer evenings in the Pac. NW are always sweatshirt or sweater times!

Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
It's hot ... and it is going to get hotter. We might have 3 days close to 90 degrees. Practically unheard of here. Most houses do not have air-conditioning ... including ours. Plenty of fans. Water bottles in the freezer.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Uh ... this is hard, bear with me ... I, Baxter, have been authorized by all the other bunns in the House of Rabbits to take a very brief moment away from our usual disdain and disapproval to give a shout out to Bunny Lady for some very touching and well deserved fame ... you can read it here ... but DO come back. (and beware - there are some killer fish tacos in there)
Now .... back to the usual disdain and disapprovals ....

Since bloggers love comments, you might drop one on the blogger - Mr. Fowler - above!!! Tell him "The Husband" sent you!

Some beautiful lillys brought by friends from Holland, with ______________ in the background. (Maybe one of you horticulturalists can fill in the blank .....)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
You know Racer lives right where he can see all the coming and going.
We had some fun company the past few days and so there was even extra comings and goings!
I think (I KNOW!) there were some extra goodies for good old Racer Guy!
Now he has perfected this trick!!!!
It is very pretty out in our yard and garden now ... I think I'll include some scenes for a few posts ... here is a "wall" of nasturtiums ... all volunteered from last year and all highly prized by the furry tenants of The House of Rabbits! Some go in salads every night! A nice mix of blossom colors and shades.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Zoey is normally a stunner ..... as seen here in her standard Press Picture.
... and, I think she has forgiven us for the agony of the pedicure.
Friday, July 17, 2009
I'm in deep bunny doo doo now.
But - nails must be clipped .. and Zoey - you should see some of the OTHER pictures! This is a GOOD one! :<)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
OH MY GOSH !!!!!
"Look what they've done to my Fur, Mom, Look what they've done to my fur!" Tra la la ....
.... well, we trimmed .. and maybe got a bit carried away .. OK ... but ... we are not done yet. This girl needs a LOT of help ....

Yeah? Well, how about trimming this long eyebrow then while you are at it Mr. Scissors-hands.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
WE'RE BAAAACKKK ...........

Oh come on ... yes you got pretty good care while we were gone. And yes things looked fine when we got back. But still ... you might have missed us just a little bit..
We had a good time .. Saturday it was 108.3 on the thermometer but it was tolerable on the edge of the Columbia River and in the shade. We were about half way between Wenatchee and Lake Chelan if you look on a Washington map. Nights cool off nicely ....
More tomorrow hopefully ... now to beddy bye!
Thursday, July 9, 2009

But Gosh ... first, BL has got FOTA from RenoRabbits to come and do the daily duties ... she is a world class expert on bunnies and knows the whole drill.
Next, BL has a nice list of instructions ... customized to each and every bunny. Non-fail!
Third, RG has chopped, sliced, diced, and crumbled a huge selection of tasty greens and fruits and treats so the salads will be as good as ever and nice and hearty!
It won't matter. They hate us and it will be awful when we return ... oh well.
On a lighter note! Audrey made it to Cultus Lake and is having a ball .. follow her here!
And .. check out the fabulous ultra-swank indoor bunny condo on My House Rabbit here! Don't let the bunns see it ... you will have a job on your hands.
See you Sunday or Monday!!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009

But ... I expect that all will settle down now ... it is even going to get cool with our famous "layer of marine air" which means low, gray, chilly clouds. Most Pac. NW'rs are used to it and actually look forward to it a bit in the summer .. summer here is usually very dry and warmish.
Saturday, July 4, 2009

All who trip trap trap across had better have treats!!
Here is where The Princess hangs out when she first goes out in the morning.
Later she gallivants all around her big outside pen ... hob nobbing with Racer, Goldy, and Benji.
The afternoon she usually spends in the upper level of one of the little houses on either side of the bridge.
About 6:00pm finds her in the house, looking like she has not eaten for days!
Friday, July 3, 2009

We sent Audrey in the mail to Cultus Lake, British Columbia. That's a little east of Vancouver. No word yet of her arrival.
Look there... black Winnie in the shade - lighter Lucky in the sun. It is pretty warm today ... they are right in the edge of the fan airstream! Very clever bunnies.
We have the fan oscillating .. Lucky likes to sit up facing it and let it ruffle him up on every pass!
Have a safe and sane Fourth everyone. We always stay home, off the roads. There are 4 smallish towns and two big casinos all within 15 miles or so of us --- all with big displays. We get a lot of light-works and noise, right from the front yard! The bunns do not like it.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I had my last on-site visit with the physical therapy guy - Mr. Twister - today. I still have lots of stretches and strength building routines to do at home, but I'm doing great and can enjoy most normal activities except stuff like mowing the lawn. It will be another 7 months to get to 99% or so. I can hold bunnies!
Here are 9 morning breakfasts .. the larger banana slices go to the bigger bunns - like Baxter. Nice chunks of whole-wheat bread under there. Some of the guys go right for the banana, others slip that piece of bread out first ... that is fun to watch. Never a crumb left.
The 10th breakfast has already been served to her Highness The Princess. She gets her bread broken into 24 small bits and her banana cut into 10 nice bite-size pieces. Served in a cut glass bowl. Nuthin special ....
We hosted a going away party for a person we know at our house this evening. Bunny Lady did a bang up job of organizing and preparing and caring for 20 people! Made Death by Chocolate too! They'll be talking about it for some time. It was a bunch of rather hard-core enviro-types. We did not want to use disposable dishes/napkins (well, BL did but I felt like we needed to respect the culture of the guest of honor) ... I should of had Mr. Twister tell BL I can't wash dishes. Any good remedy for wrinkled skin? At least my finger nails are clean!

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