... Happy Birthday Princess. The pretty girl is Nine!! Still very active and bright-eyed and happy. She might be a bit - uh - well fed.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
"ER...UM... -
- it is - a -- gu -- gu -- good to have them ba -- ba -- back. There. Now leave me alone." - Chico
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
"They are back Goldie - one day they lasted." - Benji
"OK OK - there is a GOOD explanation. Here was day one. This is a totally ROUND house - the only flat parts are windows and doors. There are 10 windows like what you see that form about 1/3 of the house that looks out to sea. Ahhhhh ....."
Here is day two at about 11:00am - just before the power went out. All of San Juan Island - no estimate for if/when it will be restored. 2" of snow so far. No heat, no water, no lights, no candles, no hurricane lamps, no phones, minimal cell phone reception. Ferry leaves at 2:00 or 4:00. (Gets dark by 4:30.) What to do?
We hurriedly packed and left to get in line for the 2:00. Even if we would have waited for awhile (and maybe still catch the 4:00) and the power came back on we were afraid it might go right back off and leave us in a pickle, especially since nobody on the Island had power - not even the motels!

(While we were stuck in the ferry line, we saw the lights come back on in the nearby shops. By then we were committed and still worried about how long that power might last. So home we came, to 9 yawning bunnies and a cat. Thanks for not absconding with your favorites, but it was warm to know how much you all cared!)
And you would have ????
Monday, December 27, 2010
"BL and RG are headed off for their get-a-way to San Juan Island. 3 days alone they get. How will they ever be OK without us????" - Savannah
Laura - aka Friend of the Animals (FOTA) of RenoRabbits - will be doing the daily chores. She now has more bunnies at home than here at the House of Rabbits. She will be one busy bunn keeper!
See you Friday - wish us well. - RG

See you Friday - wish us well. - RG

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
- do you see what I see" - The Boyz

Ayi Yi Yi ?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
"WELL! .....
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Boyz think if they hop in here then we won't find them when it is time to come back inside.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Oh my but Black Bart was once again beginning to enjoy himself SO much here ... as you can see.

(Oh - four bunnies - no tricks - Goldie, Benji, Racer, and The Princess. No Kitty Boy - it just looked like him up there on the fence.)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
... GO AWAY ...
But he has been locked in a bathroom for a few days to fully recover and he does not like it.
(Late breaking news ... BB is now back in the kitchen and much more frisky and happy. He will go home Monday or Tuesday. However, he must spend this night cloistered again in the bathroom because the night before his operation he crossed the dreaded slippery hardwood floor, knocked over the fence, and made him self right at home all over the house! Until he went in where Chico is at about 3AM and the two of them commenced to dig and thump and scratch and wake up BL and waking up BL is like the kiss of death.)
(Finally, good luck all of you who are dealing with old Man Winter. We are flooding - the Pineapple Express has attacked Oregon and Washington with a vengeance and there will be some serious consequences in some places. We are on high ground and well prepared.)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Black Bart came through his surgery OK and is recovering - still pretty groggy but up and moving.
(BL was a bit under the weather so I went to get BB. I walked in and loudly announced "Limo here for Black Bart!" - it hung 'em up! Gave me a discount.)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
... can't hunt? Is that a new, well installed faucet or what? (You can see the split along a seam in the old one there.) BL is ecstatic. (Well OK, happy.)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
... Mr. RG. This is your disapproval rating for the past 120 days. You will notice it has been rising lately. This is an exponential scale. What that means is that your rating has been rising a LOT more than it appears! What is your recovery plan?" - Winston
"Uh - I bought a new kitchen faucet to install?" - RG
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
... And up he did go!
KB is wearing out his welcome. He scoots out The Princess's little door to the deck, hops up on the railing, climbs up the rain shield onto the house roof, goes up over the peak and down the other side to the front porch overhang and then jumps down to the porch railing, to the porch and to the ground of the great outside! Eventually he comes back and whines at the door. Anybody want a cat????

Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
BTW - although the oven caught fire (Yup, RG bought one of those cheapy aluminum roasting pans and it had a hole in it) and the septic system backed up into the downstairs bathroom (Yup, RG forgot to check on how long since the last pumping) and the kitchen faucet split and spurts all over everything (Yup, RG didn't act on it soon enough) we got through the holidays pretty good.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Yes folks - this is post # 1,000 since we started 3 years ago (not including several done under the 7-Bunny-7 blog.) Almost 6,000 profile peeks and more than 60 followers - makes me feel a bit like the pied piper under a microscope. Guess we'll just keep on .....
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Haven't seen him - must have moved." - Kitty Boy
But, for now,
Happy Thanksgiving all you US of A folks and Howdy to you World readers!" - RG and BL and The Bunns
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The QI Papers has a picture of, I think, Harriet peering down upon her mortal serfs and such. Here is Racer trying the same. He is actually having a frolic in Zoey's outdoor area which is dry and under cover. Otherwise he would be up to his pantaloons in snow.

It's going to NINE DEGREES F. tonight. Insane for here - our winters average 35 degrees. I hope Aussie Katie in Vancouver is enjoying it.
Monday, November 22, 2010
It is very wintry here and unusually cold - especially for mid-November. KB has it figured out though!

By the way, if you are from the East (anywhere east of the Cascade Mtns.) and plan to visit - don't. Here is the big I-90 freeway over Snoqualmie Pass tonight. You will NOT want to see it tomorrow.

Sunday, November 21, 2010
CSI-HOR has been here and taken the requisite notes and photos. They have now covered the scene ... it is not fit for eyes. It is Savannah's box - well, what is left of it - you would not expect a box would have had some of the parts that were left about. Total and complete carnage. When the waitress did not move the food dish quickly enough, well Savannah just totally lost it and destroyed her own house out of rage.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
As part of her "Beautify the Slough" campaign, BL (aka Lady of the Slough) got about 40 friends and neighbors to donate money, time, skills, and a bit of food and we put 130 native plants of a wide variety along our little stretch of slough waterfront on Sunday. We hope it will serve as a model for others to emulate - we plan to encourage it! We had a most amazing turnout complete with the requisite "big wigs" and the requisite "greenies" and everyone in between.

What BL does best .... oh my! (Ever have 35 tree planters come for dinner?)

The finished work - grow babies, grow!

"PFHHHHTTTTTtttt. Racer reports it was dull dull dull .... outside in the sun - much better!" - Chico

Monday, November 15, 2010
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