One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Friday, August 19, 2011
"If Winnie played his cards right, he could maybe be President of the US of A, what with a house like that!" - RG"And I would want to be that because????...." - Winnie Poo Poo
Winnie Poo Poo, I'm with you. I say we fire the entire government and then start over with fresh leaders! The first question on the interviw sheet will be ... "How do you feel about House Rabbits?" Based on their answers, we'll decide if they are worthy ...
Actually, a person can read quite a bit into another person's character by paying attention to how that other person treats those who are either helpless or not as strong as he or she is. So, the importance of that question might not be so far over rated ...
When I read "Winston's Home", my first thought was, "Oh dear, where has he been?!" So very glad I read it wrong--and what a lovely home you have, Sir Winnie.
There's more of a future in being a rustic opiner.
I sometimes think we'd do better if the bunnies were in charge, but the rabbits are too wise to want to take charge...
Winnie Poo Poo, I'm with you. I say we fire the entire government and then start over with fresh leaders! The first question on the interviw sheet will be ... "How do you feel about House Rabbits?" Based on their answers, we'll decide if they are worthy ...
Actually, a person can read quite a bit into another person's character by paying attention to how that other person treats those who are either helpless or not as strong as he or she is. So, the importance of that question might not be so far over rated ...
I'm so impressed by your home, Winston! I only wish I had one as nice.
I can hear it now: "From his humble log cabin beginnings..."
Are you going to raise our taxes?
When I read "Winston's Home", my first thought was, "Oh dear, where has he been?!" So very glad I read it wrong--and what a lovely home you have, Sir Winnie.
Sure could! What does that make our bunnies capable of? Queen of England, maybe? hee, hee from Yollie
I would vote for Winnie Poo Poo! Even though I know it would mean certain oppression and "re-education" for all hoomins ... I'm under his spell.
(Haha, word verification: couti ... as in "couti agouti" or some spelling similar, for the Princess!)
You got my vote!
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