"Many know - some don't - that January 1 is my birthday, as near as is recorded. I will be/am 12 years old. That is quite old for a bunny but I am in fine shape - OK - a little large in shape, but hey, the eats are good here. I have arthritis some and I do not hop and prance quite like old, but I am very mobile and keep up with Racer when he heads down his "bowling alley". I am content and happy with my life and it has been a long and good one. Each day now is a treat. And deserves a treat!" - The Princess Herself

"Well put, Princess. All of our bunnies are getting old and every day with each is a treat - for them and for us. So on we go into 2014, with both great expectations and much fear and trepidation." - RG the Cynical Realistic who probably listens to too much country music.