Hey everyone .... this is actually pretty darn nice!
(We don't want to go out and get wet)
As an aside .. we have been blogging for two years today!!! Our very first comment, other than from us or immediate family was from http://yogagalsmonolgues.blogspot.com/ and YogaGal is still blogging too. I don't think we ever heard from her again and I have no idea how she found us ...
Hoppy second bunaversary!
Nothing wrong with a rainy day that looks like that:~)
Hoppy bunbloggoversary! A round of Basil for all Bunns on me.
Hoppy Bloggoversary! Bunny snuggles beat being out in the rain hands down!
Happy blogversary! What a lovely snuggly photo....
Happy Blogoversary! Keep it coming!
Congratulations! And keep your buns dry!
Congratulations for two years of great blogging! Happy Blogaversary to all the Bunns (RG & BL too!)
Maybe YogaGal clicked on that "Next Blog" at the top of the screen. We've found some interesting blogs that way!
Rainy day bunnies are looking good. Who wants to be all wet and yucky anyway. Bunnies dont approve of rain.
Congrats on your 2 years. Isnt it interesting the people who find their way to our blogs.
Congrats on your Blogoversary!
Nothing like a good snuggle on a rainy day. For humans, or for buns :)
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