Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
NOSES KNOW ............

Basketball tournament - 65 teams play "one loss and you are out" to determine the champ. How many games does it take? Answer - 64. Every team but one must lose once - that means 64 losses. (That'll wow them this weekend when the final big game is on - ask them how many games have been played so far in the tournament (63 - this is the 64th!))
Monday, March 29, 2010
Zoey must be sitting way up and Baxter scrunched way down because he is quite a bit bigger than her ....
So far behind ... company, couple evening engagements, yada yada .... I even am almost out of pictures of rabbits - can you believe that?
OK - start to catch up Tuesday for sure!!!!
Final Four? Basket Ball! College NCAA tournament for the National Champ.. My Alma mater Michigan State is one of the Final Four!!! Finals this coming weekend. Here is a little numbers quiz. There are 65 teams that begin the "one and out" tournament to determine the National Champ. Quickly - how many games need to be played to find the Champ? Explain your reasoning.

OK - start to catch up Tuesday for sure!!!!
Final Four? Basket Ball! College NCAA tournament for the National Champ.. My Alma mater Michigan State is one of the Final Four!!! Finals this coming weekend. Here is a little numbers quiz. There are 65 teams that begin the "one and out" tournament to determine the National Champ. Quickly - how many games need to be played to find the Champ? Explain your reasoning.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Here they are. The cat is a nice, tame "stray" from several weeks ago and BL named him Cheyenne and he got to come in in the evenings - no wandering and no "crossing the line". A cat loose in the house would be too much worry. Then she didn't like the name anymore and he is just Kitty Boy. Benson used to watch TV with BL all the time - he was good at it. But he died quite awhile ago. Now only I, Chico, would probably sit still that long. But I get lots of BL time in the mornings, so enough is enough. Kitty Boy is now confined to a bathroom for three days and nights while he heals and then outside he goes again. =:<) - OK? - Chico.
Nice report Chico - thanks. To change the subject, I have been thinking - if I REALLY could start over, who would I be? Hmmmm ... probably NOT Jimmy Buffett.

Nice report Chico - thanks. To change the subject, I have been thinking - if I REALLY could start over, who would I be? Hmmmm ... probably NOT Jimmy Buffett.
Who would YOU be????
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It IS a C.A.T. - THIS cat. THIS C.A.T. doesn't have a name - BL just lets it in during the evening to keep her company reading or movie-watching. BUT .....
THIS C.A.T. got in a fight and got bit on the foot. It got infected and an abscess. C.A.T. went to the V.E.T. today for fixing. Now C.A.T. might have to stay in the house for a day and a night. TRUBBLE for sure ... you can B.E.T. on it.
And then ... one of my heroes - I Spy man Robert Culp died. This Secret Agent stuff is getting lonelier and lonelier. - But I shall stand tall and soldier on - Zoey, LIA Agent 0090 (or maybe I'll go shopping ...)

And then ... one of my heroes - I Spy man Robert Culp died. This Secret Agent stuff is getting lonelier and lonelier. - But I shall stand tall and soldier on - Zoey, LIA Agent 0090 (or maybe I'll go shopping ...)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
While we await another report from LIA Agent 0090, here are some mundane happenings around the "House" ..
If you follow RoadBunner (and Mario), you know she ran the LA Marathon this past Sunday - 26.2 miles. If you follow me, you know I am trying to build up some meagre mileage and speed - starting from a horrid 1/2 mile on Feb 1. The watch in the photo below is my time today for 4 miles - a bit of which I had to walk. It averages out to 11 minutes 20 seconds per mile! If you do the arithmetic, RB did the whole damn Marathon with an average of 11 minutes per mile - and walked a bit and took pictures too. I'm depressed....
Benji eating a thin apple stick from the end! Sometimes I hear it thwacking on the wire in there when he spins it about!

Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Boeing 787 .... this is our 787 th post on The House of Rabbits so ...
I moved from Michigan to Seattle in 1966 to go to work for Boeing. I hardly had a clue who they were - I knew they made bombers and the 707. I hired in as a Systems Analyst. I also had no clue what that was - neither did they! The pay was good. I was very fortunate to work my entire career for the Commercial Airplanes part - not the Military. During my time the 707, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777 all were in production at one time or another. (There never was a commercial 717 until after Boeing bought McDonnel Douglas and essentially renamed the old DC 9 as the 717 - what a sad use of the number.) I saw the first flight of the 747 - absolutely unbelievable at the time! The best part about working there for me? -- you wore a badge. Even though Boeing is a huge place with many many facilities and buildings and stuff, you could go, with that badge, in any non military-classified facility, anywhere, as long as you did not go "outside the lines" and interfere with the work. No questions asked! I was a desk jockey but that guy in blue pants and shirt could be me on a little "break" tour! You have not lived until you walked through the wing-riveting shop!

Hey, Benji ... did you know that about RG? (Do you care??)
Well Goldie - I know thay have had a LOT of trouble with that 787, since RG left 'em. I'm just sayin' ....

Saturday, March 13, 2010
So poor old me, RG, has been totally unable to run - having once been pretty active at it - for more than 15 months. Feb 1, 2010 was the "GO" date from the shoulder-repair doc. On Feb 1, 2010, I "ran" 1/2 mile before stopping, out of breath! HOWEVER! I persisted and by today, March 13, 2010, --- THIS!
I joined some buddies on a 4-person Relay Team. We each ran 2 1/2 miles - a very hard, and hilly loop (Sunset Loop) in Washington Park, Anacortes. (Some of you have been there I suspect.) I was able to run my whole 2 1/2 mile leg without stopping. I will not tell you how long it took, but it was faster than ANY of you could walk it! Our team WON our age group! WOOT! (What age group? - Men, Over 40. We are the "Oldies But Goodies".) PS FOTA - Sharron's husband Steve smoked me bad! Dr. Les C. was there and ran all 4 laps by himself!!!

This is the scene looking south from the top of the last hill. I did not notice it today!!!

HEY BRAGGY BOY. You did NOT cross my Lazer-lite finish-line recorder!

Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
PS - for those who forgot RoadBunner also Knits ... here is the Racer award again!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
We made it - those things went until 9:00 am. Besides that, there were many glowing smudge pots out there too ... it looked like a druid festival in the night-time. Sounded like a war.
I am having a bit of computer trouble and I have done this post from a rogue machine with none of my Bunny Pix on it! SO ... I grabbed this .. it is the very first picture I ever posted on the blog well more than 2 years ago. Savannah is as pretty and special as she was then. Probably a bit more - ah - rotund - too!

Monday, March 8, 2010
There is a frost warning tonight. We live a few hundred yards up-hill from acres and acres of Blackberry, Raspberry, and Blueberry fields. They are far enough into budding that this frost could be bad. Soooo ... Farmer S. turns on these 6 or 7 humongous windmills that run by propane and blow the breeze across the fields to keep the frost from settling. They will run until well into the morning no doubt. It sounds like a fleet of helicopters coming, but they never go on by!
I hope everybunny goes to the back corner of the box and covers the ears with all they got ....

Sunday, March 7, 2010
I SAW HIM !!!!!!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
RACER ....
Here is Racer's condo ... squeaky clean, food bowl filled with fresh oats and pellets, fresh pile of hay, fresh water, fleecie and color-coordinated box arranged perfectly ... litter box freshened. Gads, the tissue holder probably even has the popped-up piece fanned nicely. So - where is Racer?????

"I'm - erm - busy. I'll be along - shortly!"

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