Listen - despite all the smart remarks, the real thing wrong with yesterday's picture was Goldie and Benji being in the Boyz outside pen. And trying to hide to boot.
BL is keeping me around, safe and sound. I'm worth a lot more alive than dead or gone.
Shhhhhhhhh, you weren't supposed to notice that. Goldie and Benji were trying to be decoys so The Boyz could do their snooping!
Better start shopping or they're going to do it themselves, boys are like that.
They are just preparing for Cyber Monday!
Snoop away! I didn't buy for them yet!
Goldie and Benji obviously were uncomfortable being in The Boyz' territory. They wanted to be inside toasty and warm with the opportunity to shop the Cyber Monday deals (at least Goldie did). Do The Bunns and BL have a good insurance policy out on RG?
they're plotting and planning those two are!
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