A stormy view out the window looking North East toward Shaw and Lopez Islands. We are on the South East tip of San Juan Island - Griffen Bay.

Me at Lime Kiln Light House on the West side - good place to see the resident ORCAs - saw none!
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Lovely photos. I love the shore, but the picture of The Princess is the best!
I'm glad you had a good time. With me and the hubby both starting new jobs next month, we may be doing more short getaways too, instead of long vacations.
Great pics as always, glad you guys survived your hols ok, our thoughts go out to all in that terrible tragedy x :)
Lovely photos, sorry you didn't see any orcas!
Princesses are so hard to please.
Great pics! Looks like you had a lovely time. Glad to hear you were not tsunamied much.
Looks like a great vacation spot!
The Princess wishes to inform you that she is not "The Princess and the Pea" Princess, but the Princess who rules all and should get a whole bag of treats!
Awesome photos! Love the bald eagle - that's a really great shot. They're so big!
Glad you got to enjoy your vacation on San Juan Island and see some bald eagles. They really are amazing. Last summer I got to seen an orca on the ferry from Anacortes to Sidney. It was one of the highlights of my summer. We had a hint of the tsunami here on Vancouver Island - fluctuating water levels in Esquimalt Harbour but nothing like the destruction in Japan. Amazing to think something happening so far away can affect us all the way over here.
It looks wonderful. I never go anywhere, so traveling through blog land is most fun!
xx, shell
Glad you had a good time. Buns all did well. I would have posted on my blog while you were gone but the computer crashed.
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