First the bad news .... Rabbits' Guy and Bunny Lady are leaving!!!! They are going over the mountains early Monday and we are stuck here until Wednesday evening!!! Aie Yi Yi .... where did they get permission?????
But the Good News .... Friend of the Animals from RenoRabbits is going to come over every evening and feed us really good and clean up and talk to us and all that neat stuff! So things will be pretty good. We asked for advice on Dandy's Journal about if we should be good when the sitter is here, or bad. All those guys said BAD and they had lots of reasons. But, we had sitters once a long time ago and they have never come back - ever - so we are going for GOOD in case we ever need a sitter again .. which we better NOT!
Those pictures are the signs Bunny Lady has posted so FOTA knows about all our little tricks and fun stuff!
Maybe there will be some reports about us on RenoRabbits tomorrow or Tuesday!!!
Have a great trip!
Princess, I would never think you'd slip out... We should tell that bun sitter that you are an angel.
It's a really simple rule, buns-- if the sitter is GOOD, be good so she'll return if she's needed. If she's BAD, be really, really bad, so she'll never come back and charge your bipeds extra for the hassle of having had to deal with you in the first place.
Have fun, bipeds! Be safe out there in the great big world and take pictures!
Oooh have a great time! Sounds nice and yes would like pictures please. Am sure the Bunns will behave themselves! :-D
Have loads of fun, RG & BL!!
Will check back to see if the bunnies succeeded in being good ;)
Have a fun trip! I'm sure the buns will be well taken care of!
I'm SO excited to care for 10 rabbits! I received my instructions yesterday and I'm ready!
Have a fun trip. RG and BL. What a great thing to have FOTA ready and willing to look after all those Bunns. I imagine the Bunns will be as good as Bunns can be.....
I hope your hoomins have a great trip, make sure you get up to lots of naughtiness in their absence!
You will be missed but have a great trip and FOTA will take good care of your critters I'm sure!
You should be good for FOTA, 'cuz they are our friends too & we try to treat our friends well! That's great how Bunny Lady puts those notes on everyone's cages. With ten rabbits, it would be hard to remember everyone's preferences and quirks right away! You guys will be a lot more comfortable that way!
Hope RG & BL have a good time!
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