Thursday, May 28, 2009


RG has got a cold ... feeling pretty punky ... no blog reading. Well - just enough to see that Cadbury is sure having the time of his life. W00T to all his hosts and hostesses! May he get back home in time for his people return! I guess somebody will keep track of that and tell Cad-B when to go home ... right??? I'm staying pretty in and down .. about like smart Chico here ....

ACHOOOO ..........


d. moll, said...

Hay, you get better and better. This is no fair! Is it 'cause you stayed up too late partying with the Cad-B? Ha, ha, word verification is "ideal".

Anonymous said...

God Bless You!

Get well soon, 'k?

Crafty Green Poet said...

get well soon, Chico looks adorable as ever there

Glenna said...

You're going to need some nice whiskey and lemon juice I'd say. And a long nap. Get well soon!

Deb Cushman said...

Oh, poor RG! Hope you get rid of that nasty cold!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon -

Anonymous said...

Bummer to hear you're down with the cold. Cadbury is headed this way after DKM - Fidget can't wait!

Glenna said...

Tell Chico he looks like a Kleenex about to pop out of its box.

Anonymous said...

Poor RG. Get some clarinase and u'll be ok soon ;)