Monday, May 11, 2009


It was a dreary, wet day today so the bunns stayed inside. But it cleared a bit when condo cleaning time came so BL put Racer out while she cleaned his digs. Just after he got out there a HUGE hail squall swept through! He was under the big covered area, but what a noise ... the poor little guy. She dashed out and grabbed him and I held him while she finished the clean-up. I NEVER hold Racer ... he is a BL guy. He tolerated .. knowing that the fresh hay and some oats were coming .....


Anonymous said...

Poor Racer, he must have had quite a scare! I think it's more than hay and oats this time, he probably appreciated your comforting him :)

Carmen S. said...

Hi there, Racer is so cute! What a scary sound the hail must have been, sounds like he got pampered up well though:)

Anonymous said...

What a good bunneh poppa!
...but who can resist wanting to cuddle a scared little cute face like that???

Erin said...

Awww, poor little bun! It's a good thing you were there to protect him:)

Anonymous said...

oh poor bun - he is so handsom - hail scares me - i can't imagine how he must have felt

hey how is the arm?

Hef's Mom said...

Poor little Racer, he does look a little worried, that or he's looking at RG and thinking "You are not BL!"

d. moll, said...

What an adventure for Racer (not to mention BL and RG). Oats soothe a jangled nervous system.
PS-Yes, that was a wicked wink at 26 seconds.

Fez and the Gang said...

Poor Racer! I bet he was really brave though. How nice for you that his tolerance level is so high!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

What a brave little bunny! He looks like he's enjoying your lap, even if it's not his regular spot. He must've needed a cuddle, no matter how brave he was pretending to be.

Anonymous said...

Love the title! Sounds like a lapine superhero. Maybe this will be the start of a new lap time relationship for you and Racer.

Anonymous said...

Oh handsome, we're glad you are ok.

Katie said...

That sounds like it would have been scary, luckily he had a good shelter or he might have come out of it with a big headache!

Crafty Green Poet said...

he's always one for the adventures isn't he, little Racer?!