So poor old me, RG, has been totally unable to run - having once been pretty active at it - for more than 15 months. Feb 1, 2010 was the "GO" date from the shoulder-repair doc. On Feb 1, 2010, I "ran" 1/2 mile before stopping, out of breath! HOWEVER! I persisted and by today, March 13, 2010, --- THIS!
I joined some buddies on a 4-person Relay Team. We each ran 2 1/2 miles - a very hard, and hilly loop (Sunset Loop) in Washington Park, Anacortes. (Some of you have been there I suspect.) I was able to run my whole 2 1/2 mile leg without stopping. I will not tell you how long it took, but it was faster than ANY of you could walk it! Our team WON our age group! WOOT! (What age group? - Men, Over 40. We are the "Oldies But Goodies".) PS FOTA - Sharron's husband Steve smoked me bad! Dr. Les C. was there and ran all 4 laps by himself!!!This is the scene looking south from the top of the last hill. I did not notice it today!!!

HEY BRAGGY BOY. You did NOT cross my Lazer-lite finish-line recorder!
Well done, applause from down our way, can you hear it?
Congrats! Doing binkies for ya!
Good for you RG! I wish I had known, I would have tried to have been there to see you and Doc C.
Dang-I can't even walk that entire loop! But love the view.
congrats! well done!
Can't imagine why you would want to run yourself, when you could just be watching rabbits run?? But congratulations on the recovery, anyway!
Wow. Congrats!!! I'm 23 and I sure as hell couldn't run 2.5 miles without stopping!!!
WTG! We can't run that far either, but we are trying!
Yay, RG! All the buns and I are cheering and clapping and jumping up and down...and now we're tired, so we're going to have a nap and get tape for our ankles.
Bravo from all my buns and me! And the scenery is beautiful.
Good for you RG! Next up is a marathon, right?!? :)
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Aw..he is such a sweetheart! =)
Woot!! Yay to a great return to running! And congratulations to your team!!
That is a lovely view! Definitely worth the run I am sure :)
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