Friday, May 11, 2012


BL on a beach on Guemes Island during a nice day last week.  In the background is one of the Washington State Ferries between Anacortes and the San Juan Islands.
 I hear it's a weekend coming.  Enjoy.  -  The Princess.


Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

You enjoy it too, sweet Princess.

Jade said...

Happy weekend to everyone and everybun at the HoR!

BinkiesandFlops said...

Beautiful. Have an awesome weekend, Princess & HoR peeps! ; )

Crafty Green Poet said...

Happy weekend everybun!

Unknown said...

I cannot describe the sense of peace I have at seeing that lovely seascape. But I guess you already know first hand it how it feels...
A merry merry weekend to everybun.

Christina said...

Lovely pics. Wish BL a Happy Mother's Day from me!

SixBunnies said...

Happy Weekend and Happy Mothers' Day to everyone who mothers, furry or two foot!

Princess, do you also hear the help brining you afternoon tea and oatcakes? If not, I suggest you ring the bell!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I swear...I'm moving west!!!