Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"I AM A QR-CODE! ...

... scan me with your Smart Phone and tell us what you got!"  -  Benji the Geek."OMG Benji!  How dare you without me seeing what you say?  I mean .. what if ... well you know ..."  -  RG the Horrified.


Jade said...

Boo-hiss, I got nuthin! I even tried scanning the barcode on Benji's box and it didn't register. No fair! :(

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh Benji, you're too clever for me there...

Scout and Sage said...

'Fraid I can't get a QR off Benji either .. My phone just says "Bunny.. Bunny.. Cute bunny.. must feed treats..!"

Unknown said...

Means Benji wants to live in Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains and there are treats that are sweet to eat and it hardly ever ever rains...

SixBunnies said...

Benji, you are so cute in there! I can't scan you, but I bet it comes up something like TOO AMAZING FOR HOOMINS!!!!