"The last day of crabbing season until next July. There are a couple of keepers in there. A beautiful day out on the water. The high mound on the right - the paler one - is Orcas Island, one of the San Juan Islands." - RG the Tour Guide.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
"Nom, Nom, Nom, ..." - Benji and Goldie the Contented.
"I guess we'll just keep the platters full then." - RG the Waiter.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
"Goldie and I having a nice day outside on the deck and then these two hon-yocks with their paint and ladders and racket and yak yak yak. Stinks, hurts our ears, and seems to have no redeeming value whatsoever." - Benji the Whiner.

"I know Benji - but we are done on your side now. Tomorrow Racer and The Princess must put up with it. By the way, guess who goes up and does the high spots with green? Not KB, that is for sure. Not the cook either - she steadies the ladder. (Our previous cat Maxine (RIP) could climb a ladder and get on the roof!) The beautiful tree is a Katsura - smells like roasting marshmallows - colors up and loses leaves early." - RG the 'Splainer.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
"Winston got extra snuggles and a treat. Are you all satisfied now? What was I to do? Leave him in there to starve to death?" - RG the Exonerated.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
"Nothing serious Kitty Boy - just a household meltdown is all." - RG the NewsGuy.
The hops are not quite yet ready to harvest. Our beer-making friends will let us know when and we will get photos!
(Say. Did you see Michelle over there at Raspberry Rabbits got more than 160 comments? Taylor Swift doesn't get that many. They are all about sewing polka dots. I shoulda taken Home Ec. in school.)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
"WE'RE BACK!!!!"
"Actually it all happened Monday evening while surfing around and leaving comments here and there. All of a sudden - Poof! - A message from Google Blogger saying they deleted the blog and gave a link to follow for help. I did that and will simply say that Google's support of bloggers is pretty lame - there are conflicting instructions, dead-end trails for fixing, no phone number to call, and some instructions that just never worked - like "leave us a phone number to call." The primary cause that was usually cited was that Blogger's automatic Spam Catcher/Blog Killer sometimes made a mistake and they were sorry, RIP. After bumbling around in a Help Forum and leaving two different posts about my problem - a problem experienced by many others - I gave up and just figured that a free service should not be expected to be bomb proof. We planned to start a new blog after the weekend and try to get comments out to alert folks of that. But Hey! Came home tonight from getting instructions for helping to bunny sit at RenoRabbits next week and there was an e-mail from Google saying we are fixed (no explanation of either the problem or how they knew to fix it!) and by gosh we are." "Thanks for the well wishes, concerns, and patience. Fingers and paws crossed!'' - RG the Relieved.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
"Trouble. I'm going to cause lots of trouble!" "Hot damn! Can we help too?" "Absolutely. Now get close and listen carefully ...."

In the Puget Sound area are three pods (K, L, and J) of "Resident" Orcas, 88 in all, and they only eat salmon. Most Orcas eat all sorts of sea life. The residents are Endangered and studied and cared for like crazy. Here is a young calf from last year (There were three.) She survived the first year and so gets a name. Jade! (Her mother and grandmother are named after gems too!)
This is the book I used for the workshop. I (and several others) got three days of training from Nancy Lee to prepare us. Nancy is from Seattle and one of the major names in this field.
In "text book" Social Marketing you select a very specific behavior (that will provide a benefit to society) that you want a very targeted audience to take on/change. You then create a very focused campaign, using quite standard marketing concepts and tools, to overcome barriers and encourage the audience. Measuring the cost of the campaign and also the amount of behavior change that was achieved is key.
Most shelters and rescues do conduct marketing campaigns aimed at some particular audience. Specific desired behaviors often involve providing a home for a shelter bunny or not buying a pet rabbit without careful study. Either provides a benefit to society. So that fits good, although the audience-definition is often broad and vague.
One component that does not work so well is the measurement part - I don't think the campaigns usually set targets for how many will be forever homed or not bought in the first place. I suspect the cost to forever home a bunny is not known, for example. The details of the campaigns are also not usually very precise and razor sharp. Posters, websites, presentations, or event displays usually have a lot of information such that the specific behavior desired is not crystal clear. The campaigns use the words on the posters and websites to try to motivate the audience, but good social marketing uses a broad variety of incentives and motivators, besides words.
If you work with a rescue organization, you might look into the details - especially some of the examples in the book - and I bet you can create some very effective campaigns to get one those behaviors; and measure the results and have a lot of happy customers!
There. RG's One-Minute Prescription! Go ahead and use the Comments to tell about your experiences/plans/observations. Some bunn will love you for it!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
"Yup" - The Slaves.
Remember these?
Now they're these! Almost ripe - Asian pears!
In an earlier comment I was asked if Rabbit Rescues were already good practitioners of Social Marketing - (text book defined.) How about I answer that Friday evening for your weekend reading enjoyment?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
... all duded up and with all that stuff RG?" "I'm off to find fame and fortune Benji?" "How?" "I'm teaching a workshop about Social Marketing!" "What is that?" "Getting people to change a behavior for the benefit of society." "Oh, you mean like more treats makes for a happier bundle of bunnies?" "I guess." "Well, can you unlock the slammer gate here before you go?"

"Hi Ho, Hi Ho. It's off to work I go ...." - RG the Teacher
Monday, September 10, 2012
... I'm hard a'ground, my boat won't float - I just can't get no traction. I'm harbor-bound, no water in the moat - I NEED a little action!" - Racer the Poet.

"It rained .13" last night Skipper. That's it for the last 48 days AND the forseeable future." - RG the Weatherguy
Take yur choice - Chicken Parmesan or fresh Blackberry pie.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
"He's at it again Zoey." "Well, don't make eye-contact and he'll leave." "Too late, I did it. Maybe he has treats."

"I do!"
Another yard butterfly! Saw this high in the tree today - the Mourning Cloak. Also known as the Camberwell Beauty in the British Isles. (It's not my picture - it was here and gone before I could get the camera!)
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
... We haven't eaten in days. Locked in this dank, dark, cold cage. Have you no pity RG? No conscience? Are we to just sit here and waste away? Food! For the love of all things hallowed, give us Food!" - Goldie and Benji the Famished.

" I am standing right here with your dinners dudes. You just finished a large dollop of fresh hay. Now the world thinks I'm a bunny-abuser. Talk about "Have Mercy" - give me some slack." RG - the Harassed
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
... is pleased by flowers. (Cut-and-Come again Zinnias)" - RG the Florist.
(Somebody awhile ago wanted to see Zoey's eye! My photos usually show all the mane over it.)
Monday, September 3, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
"They should - it took FOREVER to clean up after the party. Bunns came from EVERYWHERE. We had to put some up in this old A-frame nobunny uses anymore." - Winston the Appointed Reporter. 

"We watched the first home game of the Wenatchee Panthers - on a beautiful Blue Moon evening! One of BL's granddaughters is a new cheerleader. We HAD to be there! (Wenatchee is the Apple Capital of the World - right on the Columbia River.)
The teenage granddaughters getting ready for school (10th and 11th grade). Great kids. Still have time to schmooze a bit with good old RG." - RG the Happy.
(PS - a BIG THANKS to Laura from Reno Rabbits for the good bunny care, even if she does think Racer is evil.)
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