Tuesday, July 9, 2013


"Well, OK.  Fan - singular.  I think he likes it." - RG the Overstater
(I don't think being an "overstater" constitutes crimes against bunnies so don't go trying to make up some more reasons why I do a half-baked job and need reporting to improvement-school.  My self-esteem is already not too hot you know.)


Jade said...

In this weather, that's the only fan a bun needs--and none of Benji's OTHER fans can compete!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

RG, what is this all about? You have admirably met or exceeded the expectations of any reasonable bunny. Be proud of yourself. We are! Wait, someone just said there are not reasonable bunnies. Hmmm, how about a nice day of writhing in self loathing?

Unknown said...

I vote for writhing in self-loathing! I grew up Catholic after all. Nothing like a voluntary day of obligatory self-loathing, I say! Does for the soul what an enema does for the colon.

My bunnies have their own fan, but I do like it at all. So I am eyeballing a nice, metal, superfan. A shop fan.

My bunnies put their butts against the breeze. They love their fan.
And I AM a Benji fan! He is so flippin' cute! Not as cute as my Chico. No one is cuter than Chico.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

If your self-esteem is not too hot, move away from Benji's fan. The Ladies in Vans are the official arbiters of what constitutes a crime against bunnies. I hear no vans firing up. I don't know where or to whom RGs appeal when they feel a crime has been committed against them. Oh, wait, you say the first step in an RG appeal is to The High Council of Cats? RG, I have a little bad news. Your appeal will most likely be denied and, if not improvement school, I predict months of sensitivity training. Be of good cheer, none of us could have fared better. Really, you are the champ.

MoB said...

Seems like in a grumpy mood :P highly disapproving.

SixBunnies said...

Auntie Jane, brandi and I have installed stealth mode on our vans... to schneeeeeak up on 'em! But, we've learned that the HOR bunners are a bit on the dramatic side, so we also installed covert reconnaissance equipment there in the bun rooms, so we can double check their stories before we make the trek all the way up there to find them happily eating gourmet salads and denying they ever sent the alert in the first place… Now, mind you, these are the only bunners that we have learned to doubt … well, Mr. Mick sometimes squeals wolf too much … but being an only bunner, his mommy usually remediates the problem “toot sweet!” and he “recalls” his emails to us fast enough we don’t even have a chance to fire up the vans.

SixBunnies said...

I hear bunner people squawkin' a lot on forums and blogs and pages about NOT blowing wind directly on the bunners ... well, tell that to my four! They clammer against the wire wall, squeezing little fluffs of themselves through just to get MORE in front of the fan ... and their room has its own air conditioning unit ... so it's not like they are over heated... they just like to blow the wind on their tails! Silly bunners. Benji, you are magnificent! I can't imagine being able to snuggle you! I bet you're so soft you feel like silk! :)

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Oh, dear, another theory has just been suggested to me. Maybe BL is mad at RG and he is making a big, overstated play to get Benji to help him get back into BL's good graces. The proposer of this theory and our household expert on such ploys wishes to remain anonymous, but here is a hint: he has proposed before.

RG said...

BL is in Wenatchee - been there for two days - due home soon. I'm all Benji's had during that times.

Little Miss Titch said...

Dear RG,Please be of cheer as we all know how well you take care of my fellow buns,they have no complaints its just that bunnies like to tease sometimes for a bit of entertainment.Rest easy in the knowledge that the teasing is a good sign of a job well done,yours truly xx Speedy

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

6Bs, You and Brandi make me so proud. I had heard about the jets, the ships, and the aircraft carriers, but stealth vans! You take my breath away. I've heard that Edith Pilaf's "Je ne regrette rien," is the marching song of the French Foreign Legion. I know you all have come up with something better. Please share! Oh, oh, how about helicopters? I have heard no mention of helicopters.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

I just wrote Edith Pilaf instead of Edith Piaf. It must be the duck on my head. RG, if that doesn't cheer you up, nothing can.