"Not sure what is going on here - he spent a couple of hours tucked in under that stuff!" - RG the Fascinated
"It was a loooong weekend for the big boy. I volunteered to organize recycling and composting for the Saturday Skagit River Salmon Festival and then the Sunday Skagit Flats Marathon and Half-Marathon. Each event had hundreds and hundreds of attendees. Dawn 'till dusk, pretty much. BL held down the home front and bunny duties and also went out crabbing with a friend. Brought home the meat and cleaned it and made me this delicious and magnificent Crab Louis for Sunday dinner. Oh my!" - Well fed and Pooped!
"But I had lots of help - here is a crew replacing a bunch of full bags of Compostables, Recyclables, and Trash!" - RG the Boss
Is that Benji trying to dig his way...to China?
RG, I am having a late snack of toasted sourdough bread with pastrami and pickles. It is YUMMY, but that plate looks SO good!
Kudos, RG! You have done well or in my native dialect, "You did good!" I will not even try to penetrate the mysteries of the bunn, but I certainly would love to hear if you figure it out. BL, that does look delightful. I don't want to push it, but what happened to the other zucchinis and the almost ripe apples?
Oh, my word, that looks amazing! Great job, BL! And, RG, you are just an all-around great guy!
My bunnies do that, too! I think they believe they are tunneled into their underground warren and you can't see them!
hehehe bunny heaven I think its called love the crab dinner,well done to you both!xx Rachel
well done with the recycling duties!
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