But even with that being said, in light of an historic event, (and some firm arm twisting by the more liberal family member) we give you the Bunns' opinion and position on the American political scene - at least as interpreted by Bunny Lady!
I am not sure what their votes will count for ... as a group they get just 2 over at the Dandy's Journal weekly bunny-tunes vote.
Counting, I'd say it looks like all Bunns are Obama Bunns. Tyler and Sydney firmly add their paws to the count. Hope Bunny Lady didn't hurt your arm too very much....
Gus and Betsy are voting for Mr. Pinkerton.
I need me one of those signs for my buns! Very cool.
Parties and politics aside, why aren't any of the candidates ever pictured holding a bunny? We've had presidents with cats and presidents with dogs, but where are the presidents with buns? Now THERE would be a special candidate.
i agree with glenna and go further to say i'll vote for the guy that does bring a bun into the white house as a pet :-)
We vote for whoever says cawwits will be delivered to the door daily for free!
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