One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Here is the carrot recipe ... but it is dangerous and not for the diet conscious ..
Put about 1/2 cup of sugar in a sauce pan. Add about 1 1/2 cups sliced carrots. Just cover with cold water. Let sit for a couple hours. Steam lightly. Drain and serve hot!
If you can't read it you are safe!!!!!
About those carrots ... it turns out that BL decided they were actually quite fit for human consumption so we have had steamed carrots the past two nights and she has a method of fixing them ... yummmmmm. I think there is a bit of sugar in the water. Now don't get all anxious though and call in the bunny-police. She saved plenty for them.
Racer could give a whip ... I don't think Racer is a snow bunny!
About Chico ... some friends found Chico in their neighbor's back yard with a scrape on his nose. Despite all of us going door to door and putting an ad in the local paper, no one claimed him. We had room, Bunny Lady has a big soft heart, end of story! Chico is a chunky bunn ... a bit bigger than a regulation football.
Benji is looking over into where Racer hangs out ... except Racer is already in for the evening. Maybe Benji thinks ... wait, wait, wait, ... NO ... I WILL NOT suppose what a rabbit might be thinking ... NO NO NO ...
Late night with big rain coming .. see ya tomorrow!
We have had a pretty dry, cool last 1/2 of October. The colors are as pretty as they ever get here .. which is not much since we have few hardwoods - mostly firs and cedars and huge maples with leaves that get orange brown. But now it is beginning to rain and Mr. weather has rain for as far as he cares to look. Usually the wind blows real good on about Nov 11 and that is when all the leaves fall! We'll let you know how that comes out.