Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009

She's a good one - that Princess :<)
Sunday, June 28, 2009

As you may remember, one of the Dutchies was actually Big Bad Boy who found Cocoa and they had a litter and one was The Princess! The Princess became a gift to us.
The kid in the middle (the cutey on the right is her young sister) is sensible with sensible parents (the mother being related to me!) and she has a bunny (that is ONE bunny) - Diamond - who looks a lot like Benji. She has had Diamond for several years. I shall say nothing about the sensibilities of the big kid on the left ..... although she is a cutey too!
We did have a good visit with the little tow-heads and their parents, and the bunns got plenty of attention.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Savannah has definitely grown ... but she does not get a lot of food nor treats. And she is a happy bunn ....
All you bunnies and folk out there where it is hot ... do your best to keep cool and use frozen bottles of water. Oh Cadbury in Houston where it was 104 today .. or Boogey in Baton Rouge ...
How you other guys doing???
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Here ya go folks ... this is the way BL likes to do it ... two at a time. She fishes with a weight at the bottom and then two hooks spaced up the line with worms on them. The gloves protect the nails from the worm mung! Great outfit kiddo ... (she's going to kill me)
Here's cleaning ... heads off, guts out, skinned. I think this day they got about twenty ... with three guys fishing. A good trip!

Monday, June 22, 2009
We Bunns are your bloggers today. RG is exhausted. Taking care of 10 cupcakes such as ourselves has plumb wore him out! He is doing OK ... just not great.
Hey - Benji - can you see Bunny Lady coming yet???????

Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Bunns have been left, by Bunny Lady, in the total care of RG. For 3 1/2 days. Oh woe is us all .......

BL has gone fishing! Over across the mountains to Wenatchee to daughter with birthday. Here is BL fishing a long time ago. They all love to fish ... bluegills and perch ... that is what they are after.
Anyway .. I am doing the best I know how. I have a "list" and have so far put the bunns outside, cleaned all the condos and freshened the water and food, brought the bunns back inside, and now made them salads. I don't hear complaining but we'll see if there are scowls come morning ... wish me luck!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
We have a place to send Audrey in British Columbia and we shall do so soon. Let you know how to catch up with her. She's had fun .. the bunns are just frustrated that they have been unable to teach her to Thump! Here she is watching the mighty Skagit River carrying lots of glacial milk from the Mountains to the Sound.
Enjoying some of Bunny Lady's flowers ...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Audrey is still here! There are two requests for her, the first being in British Columbia but I am still waiting for an address. If I don't get it soon it will be plan B - Texas and Cadbury!
Of course - you sort of have to wonder why Audrey would even WANT to leave!

I mean - talk about Tall Cotton!!!! (boy - I sure did ''Pink" her with my auto-adjust!)

She can even hide out in the potatoes ....

A nice view out towards the bird feeders and some flowers ....

And ... sitting on the rail at dusk ... the tippy top of Mt. Baker out there

Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Looks like the local strawberries are ripe ... yummmmmmm.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Our big supply of apple sticks from spring pruning is slowly dwindling away. Baxter and Zoey work on this nice big one when they are outside.
Audrey is still here and I have e-mailed her home base for further instructions but have gotten no response. I kind of think this whole Audrey-clone caper was one of those half-baked ideas with no follow through. We have another picture session or two with Audrey and then we will see how to proceed. Would anyone out there like to get Audrey and show her around? Lemme know!
I don't think you will see any more of Audrey in Seattle. As pretty as it is, traffic is pretty bad and we much prefer the quiet country life 80 miles to the north!!! We go there only when necessary any more.

I don't think you will see any more of Audrey in Seattle. As pretty as it is, traffic is pretty bad and we much prefer the quiet country life 80 miles to the north!!! We go there only when necessary any more.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Audrey don't quit hogging the blog she'll get a break all right ...
OK Bengi-lou .. we'll take a break.
Can anybody tell me why, when I have multiple pictures on a post, only the first one will "expand" ... ? Maybe the fact that I'm Windows Me with Explorer 6.0???
Those yesterday-Seattle pictures are much better expanded .. this time of year is almost always very picture perfect, and Seattle is quite photogenic ... much more-so that I can do from a moving car.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Went to Seattle to a Graduation ceremony ... here's the skyline coming in from the North

The Space Needle!!!!

U of Washington "Husky" stadium. Lake Washington in the background. If you ever watch a TV'd Husky Football game, this is where they always show all the boats that come to the game and raft at the foot of the stadium!

Monday, June 8, 2009
It was a dark and stormy night .... no, wait ... Freckles and Deb already used that one. OK .....
Got an e-mail from myhouserabbit.com in New London, Ct. They had this Audrey clone and needed a place to send her on to and of course the House of Rabbits came immediately to mind (although actually I think Freckles and Deb turned them down first.)
Carol Muskoron is an editor/blogger at Allaboutyou.com in England ... a company that publishes lots of magazines. Carol has a house rabbit named Audrey who winds up in some of her blogs ... sort of how Cinnamon from Disapproving Rabbits started out. Anyway, Audrey is now famous and somehow that outfit is sending these clones out around the world for adventures. I know you can read about some of those at myhouserabbbit and at FurryButts in Kuala Lumpur - maybe other places too. (You do need to scroll back a few posts at those sites.) Supposedly the Allaboutyou folks are going to report on these clone adventures but I can't find any reports on their website.
You can read about Audrey herself HERE.
The whole caper is nowhere near as organized as some we-all have cooked up but then .....
So .... we will show Audrey the clone around a bit, share a few more pictures with you, and then send her on to some other deserving and willing soul ... several of which I have in mind!
Here is Zoey with Audrey ...............

And Winston .... Audrey's nose is very silky and reflects the flash!!!

Lucky ... are you beginning to notice a pattern????
And our big boy, Baxter ....
Audrey with "Speedy" ... a "hot rod" we have built, painted, rebuilt, re-wheeled and so on many times. You steer with your feet and pull up on the silver cross bar for "brakes"! Nobody seriously hurt but it has a lot of miles going down our hill ............. Audrey will probably take a pass here.
More Audrey later ............
Got an e-mail from myhouserabbit.com in New London, Ct. They had this Audrey clone and needed a place to send her on to and of course the House of Rabbits came immediately to mind (although actually I think Freckles and Deb turned them down first.)
Carol Muskoron is an editor/blogger at Allaboutyou.com in England ... a company that publishes lots of magazines. Carol has a house rabbit named Audrey who winds up in some of her blogs ... sort of how Cinnamon from Disapproving Rabbits started out. Anyway, Audrey is now famous and somehow that outfit is sending these clones out around the world for adventures. I know you can read about some of those at myhouserabbbit and at FurryButts in Kuala Lumpur - maybe other places too. (You do need to scroll back a few posts at those sites.) Supposedly the Allaboutyou folks are going to report on these clone adventures but I can't find any reports on their website.
You can read about Audrey herself HERE.
The whole caper is nowhere near as organized as some we-all have cooked up but then .....
So .... we will show Audrey the clone around a bit, share a few more pictures with you, and then send her on to some other deserving and willing soul ... several of which I have in mind!
Here is Zoey with Audrey ...............

And Winston .... Audrey's nose is very silky and reflects the flash!!!

Lucky ... are you beginning to notice a pattern????

Audrey with "Speedy" ... a "hot rod" we have built, painted, rebuilt, re-wheeled and so on many times. You steer with your feet and pull up on the silver cross bar for "brakes"! Nobody seriously hurt but it has a lot of miles going down our hill ............. Audrey will probably take a pass here.

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Audrey gets big snuggle from Bunny Lady .. now she knows she is part of the family ... temporarily!

Audrey is hopping about ... checking out the scenery. Audrey is able to go many places because she does not try to leave! Here she is in The Boyz' box ...
A peaceful interlude gazing out over the pasture behind our house. Tonight a coyote is howling very close and very loud ... we are all glad to be in.

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