Monday, August 19, 2013


... what I think of a food-bowl I can see the bottom of?" - Princess the Indirect
"Oh Oh." - RG in Trouble


Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Hmmm, don't tell me, don't tell me! I, I am gonna figure this out myself. Just, just give me a second.

Unknown said...

Bunny Bowl gets the Bunny Butt...Princess is wondering, as am I, where are the OATS, Meatball???

SixBunnies said...

Yeh ... what Brandi said! OATS, MEATBALL!

Princess looks like the softest, mushiest bunny!

Little Miss Titch said...

Duh!wheres The Oats Meatball!?
inthe meantime will a snuggle help Princess?xx Rachel

Glenna said...

Looks like someone is likely to be dooting in the bowl. Very bad indeed.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

You all didn't give me a chance to finish guessing. I was going to say, "another scandal at HOR." Right, huh?

Jade said...

Mr. Mick is beyond offended by the sight of that food bowl; not only can you see the bottom, but--HORROR OF HORRORS!--there are no OATS in it! He says he would have tossed that bowl into the nearest litterbox...after he pooped in it.

...boy, RG, you really know how to tick off a bun.