Audrey don't quit hogging the blog she'll get a break all right ...
OK Bengi-lou .. we'll take a break.
Can anybody tell me why, when I have multiple pictures on a post, only the first one will "expand" ... ? Maybe the fact that I'm Windows Me with Explorer 6.0???
Those yesterday-Seattle pictures are much better expanded .. this time of year is almost always very picture perfect, and Seattle is quite photogenic ... much more-so that I can do from a moving car.
you're in seattle, why can't bill help you figure this one out?
i wanna see audrey at a glassblowing studio!
I dunno......everyone needs break every once in a while, even if they are a media star.
PS I know the song you were referring to in my blog, I don't remember it talking about pink armadillos though.....
Audrey's been pretty busy. She probably could use a break. All bunnies LOVE their breaks!
Don't know the answer to your question about the pictures expanding. We have Blogger, too, and when we posted three pictures the other day, all three expand. Hmmmm -- a mystery.
I don't know, my camera actually takes good photos from a moving car! Hef's dad discovered that in Japan!
Audrey should flop out and take a nice long nap, after all the adventures she's been having lately!
I bet Audrey would love a trip over to Vancouver Island on the "clipper". I think a picture of her enjoying high tea at the Butchart Gardens would be grand. Glad you are getting the same weather we are here on the island.
I think Audrey should take in more sights! We haven't been to Seattle in 25 years or so, and I'm sure she would have a lot to show us.
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