Savannah has definitely grown ... but she does not get a lot of food nor treats. And she is a happy bunn ....
All you bunnies and folk out there where it is hot ... do your best to keep cool and use frozen bottles of water. Oh Cadbury in Houston where it was 104 today .. or Boogey in Baton Rouge ...
How you other guys doing???
Cadbury is glad his humans pay the electric bill so he can lounge in air-conditioned comfort!
I really must try growing bunnies in pots sometime...
Savannah always does look calm and happy, it must be good soil....
I knew it! Bunnehs grow in pots!!!
Wanders off to find magic bunneh pot.
Pink, Elvis and Peaches are lolling around on the cool tiles with the a/c on. Temps outside: 90s and thunderstormy later. Inside: a cool 71 degrees.
Savannah, I don't think you've gotten bigger. I think they switched you to a smaller pot.
Did BL bring home lots of fish for the freezer?
We're doing fine over here. Since dad works from home, he turns on the A/C as soon as it gets too warm for him (which is about the same as when it gets too warm for us, 'cause he's a wuss).
ou know anything about women? The pot shrunk the jeans shrunk the skirt shrunk, things shrink ok and you don't go telling the world about it either. How embrassing for Savannah! Its like the cover of some tabloid here! lol
It got up to 85 degrees here yesterday! We were excited for the warmth:)
I also must find a magic bunny pot and start growing... what kind of care does it require? Some water and a few craisins?? :)
That pot has been out in the rain, of course it shrank! We are having quite lovely weather except for some wind, it is all quite manageable.
I didnt know you could grow bunnies! What a novel idea. Wonder if they bite when you pick them. Lol, sweet picture
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