Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Probably just shoulda been a Wordless Wednesday!!!

(but it is still Tuesday here, and maybe she needs a bigger box???)


Anonymous said...

That's a cute little adoratail!

Anonymous said...

Very streamlined, Savannah!

Glenna said...

I love the feeties hanging off the back of the box!

Nicole said...

That is one comfy bunny!

Carmen S. said...

LOL, your sweet feets overhangeth thyne box me dear:) What a pretty girl!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a big bunny Savannah is, lovely overhanging feet

Anonymous said...

She looks perfectly comfy to me!

ilex said...

It's a wonder Savannah doesn't just roll off everything. Getta load of that belly, even when she's stretched out! Bwah!

Anonymous said...

Yes, bigger box please ;)