Under a table, off in a corner, anywhere just out of a long arm reach! I guess it is their protective instinct but it sure gets to be a bit frustrating at times!
Frequently Bunny Lady goes out and first gets Savannah, who is pretty mellow, and can then run one or both of the boyz into her area, where there are fewer places to hide! That's only about a 50 - 50 deal and so we keep pretty limber stooping, leaning, stretching, and lunging on the "off" days!
Bunnies keep one young.
they look so sweet and snuggly like that. I think most rabbits are a bit wary when you try to pick them up
Pumpkin hates to be picked up and Patch doesn't mind. It's nice having one of each!
We're so excited they are getting along now. This bonding thing was tough but totally worth it!!
Mine don't like to be picked up, and while on a good day either one will sort of ungraciously suffer it, on a bad day there's scrabbling and hard feelings and perhaps a little nip on the collar bone for mom. If I lie on the floor they'll hop over and get all cuddly and kissy and groom my face, but I'm uncomfortably familiar with the stoop-and-grab (oh, my aching back).
yeah i used to get lots of laughs trying to catch riena and luther when they lived outside... it was near impossible but i got lots of exercise!
Yep I think I need my own bunny blog like you buns have ~Rabbie Burns of the Fluffy Tribe
It is nice of the boyz to help you with your Bunny Lady-Rabbit Guy Aerobics! Just think of what horrible shape you would be in without all that stooping and chasing!
Oh yes, if I don't want DKM to catch me... she will never catch me.
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