She'll go all the way into that hall to the closed door and then all of a sudden come just TEARING out and do a binky or two. Strange ....
Maybe you recognize the stuff called "sticky paws" stuck up on the edge there. A relic from the time past when we had Bailey, the kitty from H....
Hiding under the bed is fun! You should stake out the door, then dash (hop?) inside quickly when Chico leaves - then you're IN! :D
Hef loves a good hide under the bed too, but then we saw him nibble the center support beam! In his defense it wasn't treated wood and he only evver chews on untreated wood.
Princess' behaviour reminds me of Anya, she would refuse to come out from under the spare bed, she would also tear up and down the hallway
Tyler and Sydney are allowed under the bed, they do come out, eventually.
Gus and Betsy are banned from the bedroom for exactly the same reason (well, that and the fact that they'd eat through the box spring in a day given the chance).
I use the under-bed space for storage, so no romps under the bed for Cadbury. No telling what kind of mischief he'd get up to.
I love that shot of Princess's cute tail!
I've resorted to blocking off the underside of the bed. No bunnies can make their way in there, although I suspect by now, there's a whole warren of dust bunnies living under my bed!
We have to close doors here too. But we won't be able to do that in the summer. I posted on craigslist asking for some baby gates, but no one responded.
Hiding under the bed at our house=the sound of carpet ripping, one fiber at a time. Mine tear down the hall and then binky back, not sure why--but it sure is fun to watch.
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