No - you will be sooooo busy hob-knobing with all the new bunns. It's a library book so you can't even just chew on it either. You'll be fine.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Finally ... for those who did not know ... that was Baxter (the mini-lop) and Zoey (the lion-head) in the last post! And .... check in on 7-Bunny-7 .. you bunns will not want to miss the boarding day!!!!
Rest In Peace Stanley.
We are no longer complaining about the lousy, cold, dreary, gray, wet, snow-in-the-mountains weather we are having for the past months. Most of the rest of you have it awful! Hang on there .. it should get cooler and calmer and dryer sometime soon.
Just how hot and/or wet is it????? (If it is just super-d-dooper, you might as well tell us that too - we need to know that SOMEBODY has it nice.)
Reading about several of you switching to a new computer this weekend took me way back down memory lane! An early job I had was programming an on-line system that ran on two IBM 360 model 50's with the OS/MFT operating system. Each machine had 256kbytes of memory and shared 8 2314 disks .. each disk was like a big stack of dinner plates and held about 30megabytes of data. The whole works filled a large room! I got an assignment to plan the move from one version of OS/MFT to another. It took a month to figure out all the steps needed and write up the procedures to do it. Then it took about 7 of us all weekend to pull it off!
My trusty 2000 Dell with Windows Me has 128mbytes of memory and 40gbytes of disk storage! What's one of these lightweight iMac portables got in there now????
Must admit, you are cute Racer Guy. Fat headed as well.
Went over to Guemes Island this morning for the famous 11th annual Dog Island 10K foot race. (never heard of it eh?) Been recovering slowly from almost a year of injuries so my time was not to be mentioned, but I DID finish and got a third in age group (old). But, nobody older than me beat me!!!! Just you wait until the equally famous Bivalve Bash Mud Run.
Lotsa rain recently here ... cool ... grayish ... blackberry weather! Not the berries, the vines!!! Blackberries should be the Western Washington State plant and the Slug the Animal! The Eastern 2/3 of the state are high, some desert, quite dry, and warm in the summer. Lots of fruit and wheat and onions where the Columbia River can be used to irrigate. Those people tan. We rust. We are famous for losing more sunglasses than just about the whole rest of the world! We love it! June is Orca Month. The oldest Orca whale in our area is Granny - 80 plus years old! Nothing but pollution preys on an Orca ... they are a beautiful sight.
Chill out Princess .. you already nipped the cord to the fan that keeps it cool on hot days. Go hop in your pen and eat the oats. Or just be cute or something ....
OK ... they are big round bales of fresh mown grass. Shrink wrapped. (Not nearly as cool as most of the "guesses!") If they are just the right moisture content, then they cure well for future feeding to the cattle and dairy cows around here. Many fields full of them, bales and cows .. they (bales) get loaded on big trucks and hauled off and stacked up until winter time. I think the next cutting .. maybe in 6 weeks or so .. is baled in conventional rectangular bales with no wrap. Better pay attention to see.
I added many blogs to the list at the left. Should have done it sooner ... just didn't get to it. All have a rabbit or two (or more) in them somewhere! If you have never seen the blog from the worm farmer from Detroit (Homesteading in a Condo), now's the time. There is a video done for a TV station ... amazing what can be done in a small condo and deck in Detroit!