We spent most of our day with heads down in the teeny,dirty engine room of a very old, teeny sailboat that daughter is hoping to make perfect! After three years we have been aground twice, out of fuel once, and had two good days of sailing! I've quit counting the dollars she has spent. Today we were unable to figure out why fuel does not get to the engine! Sailing is so peaceful - too bad we could not leave the dock ....
The bunns had quite a time with their clean, restocked facilities ... after lots and lots of endless back and forth checking of everything twice, most of them just finally crashed! I think they survived the upsetting OK ... hope so.
you sound like a great dad! that's how my dad loves to spend his time with us too :-) helping with the projects and just being our hero!
What a lovely present! Happy Fathers Day to you for yesterday, hope you had a good one! Will be back soon :o) P.S Wallace says "Hi"! x
A bunny gift in great taste! Happy Dad's Day yesterday, and Happy Bunny Dad's day.
Happy Father's Day! Sounds like it was a good one:)
Sounds like you had a good one! And are a good one too.
I approve of the bunny planter - quite cute! ~Fiona Bun
Happy Father's day to you! Niblet wishes you many happy days to come.
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