You will note that The Princess believes it should be here, rather than against the wall, as in the previous post. She and I have been over this about 5 times, and I am slowly coming to understand. Although she clearly wanted the old box against the wall. Hmmmmm ....
Had to try to borrow a laptop computer for a guy for the summer. So far the best I've gotten is an old Toshiba with Windows 95 ... ouch! A little green button in the middle of the key board moves the cursor. Maybe something else will too, but I haven't found out what, and there's no manual. How did people manage in the 20th century?????
Ooh I hate those laptops with the cursor thingy in the middle - so frustrating! I can't use my laptop without a mouse these days - I just don't have the patience for the touch pad!
It's getting cold here and that hay in the box looks mighty warm and good to snuggle in!
Meh... in the 20th century people were still writing on parchment - clearly, a backwards age best left forgotten.
Frankly, I think it's physically impossible for humans to understand all the intricacies of "bun-shui..." it's best to just let the Buns decide how they want things arranged.
Of course this new box wouldn't go where the old box went -- it's a different box! You need to get with the program, Rabbit's Guy =:-)
Ahhhh, the 20th century, we remember it well!
An old laptop is an impediment and source of frustration, I know I used to have one. Princess is very discerning, it could be that the new box is a different color and so must, for correct Bun Shui, be placed in a different section of the Bun Shui Ba Gua placement scheme. Hope to write a post on Bun Shui later in the summer.
Rabbits do love to do their own interior decorating!
When a bun decides they want something in a certain place, there isn't much you can do to change their minds!!
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