Aw put a sock in it Winnie. The deck was GREEN. It was SLIPPERY. It was marginally sanitary. It needed a good wash down. Tomorrow we will put back every last doo dad and lots of fresh hay piles and dry litter in the boxes. You guys will love it ... But you'll never show it ... will you?
Those pots had the nicest basil .. we ate about 3 leaves and then the cold and damp weather got it. Coldest first 1/3 of June in Pacific NW history of weather records. But note the shadows .. that is from SUN!!!!!
I hear the Bunns are planning a surprise party for Rabbit's guy to thank him for all his hard work (SHHHH, big secret).
OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am all ears and eyes!!!!!!!!!!
Can you even BEGIN to imagine???
Oh, no! Doot delete? Thump!
How dare you CLEAN!! Cleaning gets major disapproval in this house as well.
Jeesh.. glad you had at least some sun there! Sorry to hear of your tidying up being disapproved of - silly bunnies!
The Bunns will love their new digs -- even if they don't show it! (Actually, it's their job to pretend they disapprove!)
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