Winston is a small Holland Lop and kind of feisty! This evening I happened to look out to the deck and just then he popped straight up about 15 inches, did a 180 turn in mid-air, and dashed to the fresh hay pile! A regular little jumping bean. A happy one I expect.
Lotsa rain recently here ... cool ... grayish ... blackberry weather! Not the berries, the vines!!! Blackberries should be the Western Washington State plant and the Slug the Animal! The Eastern 2/3 of the state are high, some desert, quite dry, and warm in the summer. Lots of fruit and wheat and onions where the Columbia River can be used to irrigate. Those people tan. We rust. We are famous for losing more sunglasses than just about the whole rest of the world! We love it! June is Orca Month. The oldest Orca whale in our area is Granny - 80 plus years old! Nothing but pollution preys on an Orca ... they are a beautiful sight.
what a funny but unique pattern, another cute bunny, how many do you have now?
You shall know him by his marking......very curious, Vinnie...What a fertile part of the world you rabbits and 2 foots inhabit.
That is strange! Sammy gets that type of thing when he molts.
Yeah, it's been cool and rainy here, too. It's refreshing, but hard to wake up at the same time.
You're so near the ocean! I love that! Somethimes I get the feeling I lived by the shore in a past life... how odd!
it's been cold and rainy on this side of North America too! My old Holland Lop, dearly departed Cappuccino, used to shed from his back and out, and it always started in a pattern that looked like a heart!
Fez's Mom
Are you sure Winnie isn't adding highlights to his hair when you aren't looking? You know these younguns nowadays!
cool pattern
yeah we're getting the june gloom thing here but it did warm up today.
Nice markings!
Too funny....
Cute pattern! Our Peanut (dwarf, not sure what else) has unique fur. It seems to change shade and patterns with every seasonal shed.
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