For the curious and sadistic, I added a link under "Websites" for the famous Bivalve Bash Mud Run. Look soon, it won't stay there long.
Reading about several of you switching to a new computer this weekend took me way back down memory lane! An early job I had was programming an on-line system that ran on two IBM 360 model 50's with the OS/MFT operating system. Each machine had 256kbytes of memory and shared 8 2314 disks .. each disk was like a big stack of dinner plates and held about 30megabytes of data. The whole works filled a large room! I got an assignment to plan the move from one version of OS/MFT to another. It took a month to figure out all the steps needed and write up the procedures to do it. Then it took about 7 of us all weekend to pull it off!
My trusty 2000 Dell with Windows Me has 128mbytes of memory and 40gbytes of disk storage! What's one of these lightweight iMac portables got in there now????
I didn't see your name on the Mud Run list...
Well, that was last year! I was uh injured, yes, that's it. But wait until this time! wOOt!
DANG!!! 128 mb ram?! 40 gig hd?!! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!!!
this is a 200 gig hd with 2 gig ram - mac book pro 15 inch scn. it's for work but i'm buying it for 1/2 price - work is paying the other 1/2 so i'll get to keep it! i LOVE it... i'll never go back to pc... well shouldn't say never...
zinger's partying it up at home while i'm on vacation! should have goldie and benji check in on him to make sure he's behaving!
Ahh, those were the days.
Reminds me of what a friend of mine said the first time he saw a 1 GB HDD. He of course wanted it, and he was asked, "what would you do with a gigabyte of space?
His reply? "Doublespace it!"
...sorry, yes, I am a geek.
I want to peek through the wires too!
With the both of them working at whatever they think they are doing they must have succeeded. Gigs and rams? Frankly, it goes over my head. I grew up in a mega-geek household. My oldest brother would bring home "computer cards", which I would draw on. Calculators were programmed in "reverse Polish notation". I am a converted Mac user, shhh, don't tell oldest older brother...Mud Run looks like fun!
OMG I remember those IBMs (if you can believe that)! I was always more of a Vic20 or Commodore64 gal, myself! LOLOL
And dang, also, why do your lops always have to be so danged cute?!
lol, the first mac I ever used had something like 1/2 gig... not even! I used if for yearbook (one of the first years we were allowed to send a dig. copy to the printers)
we scanned each photo in, and could only hold 6 photos on the hard drive at a time... it took two floppies to hold the info for each page so we decided to go back to doing everything on paper.
lol, now I've got 120gig hd with the MacDaddy (as it's now called) I can't even be bothered to turn on the old pc to retrieve anything off it...(well, I will eventually)
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