All you bunns better check 7-BUNNY-7 because the passenger list has been posted and if you are missing you MUST let us know. Boarding is tomorrow!
It has been warm here by our standards and all bunns are enjoying fans and laying low .....
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
That looks just about right, Princess....what do you have in there?
We hit 101 degrees yesterday! 98 & thunderstorms tonight! After all the cold and wet we've had -- that was really hot! I am ready to head for Nebraska...get me out of here!
(Should I wrap myself in Bubble Wrap just in case?)
I'm so excited, i've never been on a trip! and i get to meet princess :-) w00t
Does the 7-bunny-7 charge for check-in luggage?
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