Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Surprise ... Princess did neither of Chew or Poo! (She went into her pen and ate fresh oats!) And she thanks you all for the votes, suggestions and interest. I can't say I felt any of you had me particularly in your thoughts!
Tomorrow will most certainly have more time and we will do our best to get all caught up.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh dear, thank you Princess. Tonight did not get the memes done either, nor will Thursday probably. Late night class to attend. But then we will burn the oil and get all caught up .. he says, hopefully.
PS - Goldie is ECSTATIC! Lando called her "A Vision!"
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

But .... some of us have been tagged for names and stuff and that just will wait until probably tomorrow when we can get some more of their time. No sense wearing them out, we just about have them trained.
So I shall just sit here peacefully and look pretty! I'm a rabbit and have no place else to go.
Yours truly, Goldalina
Thank you bunns. Tomorrow will be less busy and we can hop right to your next assignments. I hope everyone had a good weekend and is gearing up for summer!!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Got to try to do the meme I was tagged for from Boggins or Buggins or who ever that is (Sammy's person) ... my mind is weak but my will is strong so here goes ...
Here are the rules, so easy:
Answer at least three of the questions. Yes, I know a few look time-consuming and there are several of them. That's why I only ask for three. See? I'm nice! (Buggins' words, not mine ..)
Post them and the rules on your blog, and please link back to me here. Pretty please *^_^* ?
Comment here telling me and the rest of our little party where you're at and link to yourself.
That's all!
Oh yeah, don't forget to tag others!
So here we go!
What's the last book you read that you thought was really super, inspiring, you'd recommend it to most anyone? I would have to go look up some stuff ... I generally do not find many books that inspiring ... I know too many people who keep reminding me that it is all 85% crap ... besides, I have never been a rememberer.
What food totally grosses you out, you'd never be able to touch it? Ew. Gag. *hurl* Mayonnaise - long story from my childhood ..(aren't they all?)
Did you ever watch a scary movie that frightened you so much you were afraid of the dark afterward? I mean like you're lying in bed trying to sleep, but you have to pee, but you're scared to get up. It doesn't have to be recently; could be when you were a kid. So what movie was it? The Thing (original version) ... had to "sleep" downstairs, at my Grandparents' house, all alone, afterwards. Probably ruined me for life.
Is there a song that makes you dance every time you hear it? Would you tap you feet and sing along to it in public? My feet are not connected to my brain ... NO. Well ... maybe The Hoky Poky.
Tattoos: yes or no? Do you have any? Tell us! NO, they are after my time, besides my Mother would a killed me. Do you think they're gross? TELL US! Some are ...
When's the last time you laughed so hard your ribs ached and/or you nearly peed yourself? What made you do it? Be serious, I'm German ...
Draw or doodle a picture of your pet(s) and post it if possible. Nothing fancy, don't be shy! I'm technically unable to comply ...
Go through a stack or box of your old music. Stuff that you may not have heard in years. Pick one and tell us about it. Is it as good (or as bad) as you remember? Donovan's Sunshine Superman ... good as ever!
Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal? We won't laugh! This is one of those questions you are damned if you do and damned if you don't no matter how you answer ... I plead the 5th.
Tagging Gus and Betsy's Dad, Erin at the Zoo, and the Worm Farmer from Detroit!
Friday, May 23, 2008

Thank you Savannah .. we got it. This is quite a large photo so you can click it up a notch to appreciate what queenly outside facilities she has! (Yes, that IS a jump-rope used to tie the umbrella in .. well, the dang rabbit wasn't using it.)
OK .. Racer and the Princess got tagged, and so did I. It has been a long day and tomorrow is a day-trip to Seattle to visit, so we will get to those assignments a bit later ... they look like fun and we are anxious to see what the other memers have to say! We are ready for some fun and frivolity and thanks for those who cooked these up and thought of us.
Here is the latest in Bunny inside quarters ... I would not recommend letting any bunny see this. (I can feel my skill-saw trigger finger getting itchy!)
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Savannah has been brought in for the night, and Winston scooted in her pen while the gate was open. Actually, that makes it easier for Bunny Lady to catch Winnie then ... he loves to play keep-away, and his usual pen has too many hidey places!
Savannah sits in those pots and admires yet another big bush of lilacs. They are really doing well this year. The pots once were full of beautiful flowers every summer .... now just beautiful rabbits grow there.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

By the way, old smarty-pants Rabbits' Guy screwed up - again. That rabbit on the chair in the Lilac picture a few posts back ... that is Lucky, and not Benji. Benji is grey and white, while Lucky has some orange spots too!
Watch yourself there Racer Guy ... you get too big for your blogging britches and we'll just tell a few Racer tales .... Heee Heee ... maybe about the time that ...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Looks like we had summer. Next few days are mighty cool and bleak looking - but boy the stuff outside is really growing and blooming and the NW Slugs are having a field day! I'm into the 2nd box of bait.
What a thoughtful and caring group of bunny bloggers out there ... that is really something to see. Keeps giving you a lump in your chest all over again!
Monday, May 19, 2008

We will miss her, as do so many others! We are also thankful for the care and help we get from our people. Can you imagine what it would be like for bunnies like us without them?
Rest in Peace Archi, be well Archi's Mum, and all you bunnies out there give your people an extra snuggle .. come on .. if I can, you can!
Tomorrow is a new day ....
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Chill out Benji ... I'm still learning ... next time YOU'LL be the big part.
When we first moved to The House of Rabbits several years ago, there was pretty much no landscaping - just a big lot covered with pasture grass. Bunny Lady asked to be sure to have lilacs outside the bedroom window, and to be able to smell them inside.
Right away we got three small bushes of different sorts, and planted them just outside that window. Finally, this year, they are big enough to have lots of beautiful and fragrant blooms.
Score one for RG!
Not as hot as we thought today, more tomorrow. But for our pals Belle and Ferdinand in Mill Valley ... ughhh ... 90 +. Hang in guys, it can't last too long.
Thursday, May 15, 2008

My beloved Baxter is free and back in good graces. We hope Tidbit is home too. Got to go rest and prepare for this trauma .... Zoey.
Yes .. hot coming, I think we are prepared. We will take it!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

No .. just another very rainy day here in the Pac. NW, so condo cleaning means somebody has to be caged. I don't think the Bunny Lady will go for the "put them in the bathroom" idea. They'll be in behind something or chewing a cord or worse. Splish-splash!
Early post tonight - it's off to another episode in the "Save Puget Sound" saga. Twelve different counties border the Sound, each with their own unique issues and problems. What a hassle to get everybody on the same page. The cost: monetary, life-style, and disruption will be enormous. How much is it worth?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On a rainy day the bunns can't go outside. To clean the condos that hold pairs ... such as Winston, here, and Lucky, we each hold one for awhile. Then, one gets put into this little cage while I keep holding the other and Bunny Lady does the condo. Winnie knows the drill for escaping ... somebody unlatched the hook!
Actually I think they like the variety and new surroundings for a bit. It is not a long jail sentence and there is always the tantalizing scent of the bunn who just left. They sure do love you when you take them out!
Monday, May 12, 2008

And ... I got a nice hint about how to some times show some other stuff and still keep them happy. Later I will try that out.
We've had one day where it got to 60 degrees this month. Mr. Weather says we will hit 80 + for a couple of days soon! What happened to 60's and 70's? Get out the fans.
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bunny Lady made peach cobbler from some of the frozen peaches from last year. Our tree is small but produces just enough for a year!!! Oh -yumm.
She was playing some Vibes music today and it made me think of Lionel Hampton and the Marimba. In school band I chose to "play" the drum so I did not need to know the various notes .. all notes are on the same line! But one guy played the marimba and it was soooo cool. That is what I aspired to. Never even got close! But I sure do like their music! Your instrument was ?
Rabbits? Oh yeah .. I guess there are some of those around here. Back to them manana.
Friday, May 9, 2008

The Princesses is having her afternoon house romp while Lucky looks in. Shortly after, Lucky and Winston both came and pressed their noses to the door but The Princess had hopped on by then. Still no firm word on her project in the box.
Thursday, May 8, 2008

What I think she is working on is a thing called Bunny Google. You use it to find out about neat terms that bunnies and bunny-people use .. like "The Loaf". Maybe it would be a cross between Google and Wikipedia and would first be seeded with DKM's Glossary of Bunny Terms. Then everybody could add to it on-line and our collective wisdom and terminology about bunnies would be safely available, searchable, expandable and in the public domain for free! The world will be SO much better!
Anyway, she is in there doing something. From time to time I hear a sigh, and sometimes a bit of a chewing sound. Newton, Einstein, Bill Gates, Gary Larson, Jack Kerouac and Harvey all worked the same way. According to Bunny Lady, so did Frank Lloyd Wright.
So great things can be expected. You are forewarned.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
UUMMMMMM .......

But speaking of bliss ... I am trying to read the Eckhart Tolle book about Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. I also tried to read The Power of Now. I have studied this kind of stuff quite a bit ... I am a fan of Jon Kabat-Zinn and Joan Borysenko (at least the original Joan Borysenko). I find it very meaningful and personally valuable.
But I just cannot get into Eckhart. I find his logic - well - not always logical, his main premise that the world is insane - well - insane, and some of his pronouncements - "..huge corporations are egoic entities that compete with each other for more. Their only blind aim is profit. They pursue that aim with absolute ruthlessness. Nature, animals, people, even their own employees, are no more that digits on a balance sheet, lifeless objects to be used, then discarded." - well - untrue. Soooo, at about page 50 my eyes glaze over and he's lost me - never to realize what wisdom he must have to impart.
Possibly it is me ... I've got a big mental block about awakening to my life's purpose. It is all about rabbits! How can I actually admit that????
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

In here the food is good, it is warm, and a fellow can get a solid snooze without interruption. We are saving up our energy for when it gets nice out again and then we shall binky big!
Somebody ding the bell when that happens.
Thanks. Chico .....
Monday, May 5, 2008

It is nice to see that bunnies don't much bother with stuff like economics and cash. Gourmet hay and fruits and veggies are high on their lists, and decent, clean facilities sort of round out their wishes.
We had spaghetti on Cinco de Mayo .. poor planning!
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

There are several gates in the penning arrangements here on the deck at "The House of Rabbits." My preferred latching method is the top-mounted "Fall-down Hasp" because with an armload of bunny, gravity can help get it closed well. We need to keep them latched so the neighboring bunnies do not intrude and possibly (probably) initiate a gruesome dust-up with fur flying.
PS .. I got not a single bit of advice (or sympathy) about The Princess and her aloofness. "Get used to it, get over it" was about as close as it came. She still is a bit "cool" toward me.
Friday, May 2, 2008

Finally we both sort of "herded" her back into her "pen" but instead of falling on her fresh dab of oats, like usual, she just ducked into her box, hunkered down, and stared balefully out at me. I feel awful - what did I do?
Eventually I gave her a bit of whole wheat bread, which she snatched and ate, and sometime after that she came out and ate the oats. But I still can just sense the indignation for some slight I really can't fathom. All I can do is apologize and hope to get back into her good graces...
Sound familiar?
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Things are kind of looking up, diet-wise for the Bunns. Lots of good dandelion greens and some of the chard and parsley over wintered and is going good. Much variety in the evening salads. Next will come those big wild clover flowers they love, and later yet, nasturtiums!
The local potato farmers are probably going to plant this weekend - about 2 weeks late. Guess we will plant all our seeds and spuds as well. I hope the ground is warm enough. Our April averaged 5 degrees below normal. It was more like March!