One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Hey ... now that I look at that picture more it seems like he is practicing on one of those rock-climbing walls!!!
Did you see the cute heading on Google today? Peter Rabbit!!!!
Oh -- RG says use Google Images and do "Bunny Yawn" and the Bunny Scream picture (and others) will come up!
I am behind on checking out the blog posts round and about. Tomorrow!!! (Today was the first day of Dungeness Crabbing season ... proprities!)
Say ... where is a place you have been that you really liked but almost no-one else seems to have been there? Mine is "The Corner" in Winslow, Arizona. That girl in the flat-bed Ford is right there!
PS ... about Big Bad Boy ... no, he is neither big nor especially bad! In fact as a youngster he was Thelma (or Louise)! It is just that he was hard to keep caged at The Farm and ran loose quite a bit before he was "tutored"!