(originally deleted by author for being toooo loooongg, now replaced for purposes of continuity). The Queen of England, though partial to Corgis, visited Houseful of Rabbits today. As royalty herself, Princess bowed her noble head as the Monarch passed by. Goldie, anti-aristocratic, anarchistic, freedom fighter that she is head her fluffy cranium defiantly high. Before offense could be taken, Rabbit's Guy announced it was tea time*, thus, once again saving both face and the day.
Looks like Goldie thinks the hay is always greener on the other side...
I can't think of a title but its a lovely pic!
I must admit, cannot think of a caption however, the "Great Escape" comes to mind! Does Goldie have a ball to hand?!!! :o)
Hmmmm. We'll have to think on that.
"pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon mustard greens?"
NBB as in Non Birding Bill? We are big Birdchick and Cinnamon fans. LOL
Oh, and the Grey Poupon sounds like a winner :)
(originally deleted by author for being toooo loooongg, now replaced for purposes of continuity).
The Queen of England, though partial to Corgis, visited Houseful of Rabbits today. As royalty herself, Princess bowed her noble head as the Monarch passed by. Goldie, anti-aristocratic, anarchistic, freedom fighter that she is head her fluffy cranium defiantly high. Before offense could be taken, Rabbit's Guy announced it was tea time*, thus, once again saving both face and the day.
*Earl Grey and Captain Rupert's Carrot Cake.
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