These pink Roses were a gift ... they are "Super Bunny Lady" and below them are "A Daughter Daisys", which have HUGE blossoms!

Another gift were these "King Rabbits' Guy Lilies" straight from Holland! That lighter green thingy in the back is yellow hops ... every year it grows up a 25' pole at the corner of the old barn. Very cool! The green feathery thing toward the left is Bald Cyprus trees! The Arbor Day Foundation sent them in the mail one year - along with another tree, neither of which are for this climate. Three of the Bald Cyprus live on - they lose all their needles every fall and look horrid - dead actually - but then come back so pretty in the spring!

SHOW ME THE GREENS ........................

what beautiful flowers! This is a lovely photo of Chico too, there's a guest bunny at Gorgie Farm at the minute who looks quite a lot like Chico...
What do you have in the soil there that makes things grow so huge in just 7 years? Lovely--as is dear Chico.
Beautiful garden, I think those lilies might be edible, Day Lilies are......Chico has such style and verve.
Nice flowers, but Chico looks ready for kisses and snuggles!
Nice garden pics, rabbit saint. Hope you're using those hops in homebrew!
Mama says your garden is lovely! i would like to nibble the grass!
What beautiful flowers! You guys certainly have green thumbs! Our dandelions are growing quite nicely and the clover is rather lovely!
Yeah, where is the chard!
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