I have no clue what Winston is trying to do here. I think he might be training for the Bunny Gymnastic Olympics or something. This evening he had to be in the little cage for a few minutes during condo cleaning because it rained today (I think like the 5th time in the past 70 years it has rained here on July 29.) Anyway he kept pushing his head against the top to try to push it open ... he almost had to be on tippy hind toes to do it. Twice he fell right over backward ... a backward somersault! Amazing. He just picked himself up, dusted off his pants, and went right back at it! Our Winnie!!!!
Hey ... now that I look at that picture more it seems like he is practicing on one of those rock-climbing walls!!!
cute bunny gymnast....
it rained here last night as well, we had thunder and lightening too
We've been getting a lot of rain here as well! I always assumed that the buns would be scared of the thunder and lightning but they don't seem to be bothered at all.
Racer is a Bunn of action, trying to live up to his name in some way or other. He looks nice on the red cushsion.
No No No ... this is Winston! Racer has a white Blob on his nose and toes ... let's be paying attention here!!
Just wait until the Olympics begin next month -- you won't be able to keep Winston down!
What a cutie. I wonder if he would hold still while I smooched the white spot on his nose?
Ooops, sorry, WInston, no offense meant, I mean you are both black. Sometimes I don't read as carefully as I should, sometimes I fail the darn word verification! Can be a bit myslexick.......WInston is still a Bunn of action even if he isn't called Racer, What WInston is he named after, Churchhill or the cigarette? Or????
Looks like he can't decide if he wants to climb up or sideways!
adorable :-) he's just keeping his figure, doing his exercises!
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