One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
OK, so it is not exactly sunshine, but it is mighty fine for Bunny Lady and Racer! Kind of looks like Racer is saying"It's Mine, All Mine .. Keep away, Far away."
I'm sure Racer on one's shoulder is just like Sunshine, he certainly looks very happy there...
Happy and possessive! Snuggle bun position 6.4; the shoulder hook.
More like bunshine on her shoulder!
Aw, that's adorable.
He has a contented little look on his face like: "Ahhh, yes... I have these hoomams trained well."
awww he looks so happy!
We get the message: Don't mess with Racer's shoulder time!
Awwwwww SHWEEEEEET!!!!! *nose smoochies*
Yes, Racer, Bunny Lady's shoulders are meant for you and you only!
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