Our table and chairs sit right square in the way when you walk in, and with a great view out the windows over the fields, hills, and a bit of Mt. Baker. So all the projects, work in progress, books, visits, bunny time, fur, food, and other good stuff pretty much happens right there! People come in, sit down, and don't seem to want to leave. Some times we even just have to go ahead and go to bed so they do!
Anyway, that is why you see so many bunnies in those chairs ..............
No Post Thursday ... off to another camp-out and being the camp-fire ringleader!!! "Kumbaya" anybody??? How about all 12 verses of "Roll On Columbia?" Remind me to tell you the Fred Meyer joke sometime. Probably only Freckles and Deb will get it since I don't think anybody else has a Fred Meyer store.
Have a blast at camp - will Goldie be ok without you? :-)
I do like a snuggly bunny!
Hope camp goes brilliantly....
What a sweet bunner Goldie is.. Sneak in some extra snuggles for me the next time ;)
Have a great time at camp & with the campfire!!
Ahhhh, Goldie likes and gets her snuggles. Have fun and goo luck with your pyroentertainments.
I meant gooD luck, not goo luck I think goo luck is something else, but I'm not sure......
Awwww... I'm kinda jealous! For one thing, Sammy is by no means whatever a snuggler. For another, folks seem to come into our house but once - and never again!
I like derelict. I'm into derecict.
-Onslo (Keeping Up Appearances)
Have fun at camp! OHHHH -- we love Fred Meyer jokes (original store was right across the bridge in Portland!)
Roll on Columbia, Roll on,
Roll on Columbia, Roll on,
Your power is turning our darkness to dawn,
Roll on Columbia, Roll on...
That's all we remember from school. (So we'll just sing it 12 times!)
Hey there busy house of bunnies. Since you're always up to something new and since your bunnies are so so cute, we gave you an award! Come over to our blog and check it out!
Hey, we're going camping this weekend too! OMG, "Roll on Columbia!" What a classic. I recall many hot afternoons in the 5th grade music building, with Mrs. Polly Duddleston at the piano, and all of us singing, "Your power is turning our darkness to dawn, roll on, Columbia, roll on!"
Wow. Thanks for the great memory! And Goldie's a cutey!
Hey! You forgot about me. I love Fred Meyer! We are there every week. It's where I get my Alfalfa treats for the buns!
Now I have no idea about "Roll on Columbia" since I have never been camping, nor am I originally from the PNW.
Have fun. I wish my buns would let me hold them.
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