Some one asked awhile ago which bunns are snugly and which are not. Mainly Savannah and Winston are not real fond of too much holding and cuddles, although they get their share. All the rest, The Princess, Racer, Zoey, Baxter, Benji, Goldie, Lucky and Chico would sit in a lap and chitter away for a good long time. We feel really fortunate.
Savannah is a big girl! Lovely markings!
I'm impressed you have so many snugglebuns. They're hard to come by.
she does look very big! Lovely photo, I like the thought that she can regulate her temperature by moving round - all bunnies are smart though!
You are lucky with all those snugglebuns!
EIGHT snuggly buns??! I have ZERO.. no fair.. think your buns could have a serious talk with my buns?
You are very lucky. Gus and Betsy are both very much "look but don't touch" bunnies.
Oh and all bunnies instinctively know how to lie such that just the right amount of sun reaches them. There's actually a very complex mathematical formula that they use, something about area * fur / ear length or something like that. I don't know; I can never figure out Rabbit Math.
ooh, you're lucky! Neither Pumpkin nor Patch like to be cuddled. Patch will tolerate it for a few minutes but there is too much other more exciting things to do than be cuddled. Pumpkin will tolerate a little pat but then runs away so she can't be picked up.
We always like looking at the lovely Savannah, and now we find she is very smart as well! We are still working on Snuggle Bun 101, though the people I adopted from seemed to think both buns had major snuggle potential. Tyler likes a good pet for sure, Sydney is not sure about petting. They have so much room to run in that there are a lot of other options to snuggling. Tyler was the snuggliest guy at he adoption show!
Neither of mine is a snuggler. You can get on the floor with them, and they'll run up for kisses and a few pets, but basically it's: **put me down! put me down!!***
Marvin is a snuggle HOG. he jumps onto the couch and then makes me put his favorite blanket on me in just the right way near my face, then does some safety-checks of the area, then plops down for massive snuggles that keep me up too late. and then licks my chin. it's unbearable. btw, i think we should have a list of what everyone calls it when they 'chitter'! i like the word chitter. I use 'chompies' (for isolated chomps) and 'chatter chompies' for the chittering kind (because i didn't think of 'chitter!'). I've also heard 'purring', but it's too different to be standard 'purring.'
You are lucky to have 8 snugglers! Freckles has never been much of a snuggler -- think she probably had a rough time of it before she came to our house!
that's so cool
zinger is a cuddler but i have to bring him out more because he's getting shy now that he can't have free roam privileges and he's getting less snuggly :(
keithius is right too - i'm convinced when buns are looking like loafs they're actually doing advanced math calcs
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