Say .. a BIG THANKS for the folks who honored us with the Brillante award and we have posted it already. Looks right snappy there. The award made the rounds so fast that we sort of lost track of who got it, so I don't think we will pass it on. But it is not that we don't care ... :<)
The east coast blue crab vs. the west coast dungeness. Votes????
Oh Zoey you look all spruced up and ready to make an acceptance speech. Congratulations to all the Brillante bunnies!
Another great photo in the series of Bunns on fancy chairs. Zooey is lovely! I'm sorry I seem to have missed her acceptance speech, I was sampling some crab in the kitchen....
OH THE FACE! the fuzzy wuzzy FACE! Arrrrghhh. cuteness.
I'm a baltimore gal, so i LOVE chesapeake bay blues. And I love old bay seasoning, which is what we steam them in with some Natty Boh beer (possibly the worst beer on the planet). Yum.
yeah it's hard to keep up with all the awards and we all are such a fun community :-) we know we enjoy each other's blogs!
zoey is adorable
Eee, what a cute face Zoey has!!! Love the fuzz!
Sorry, haven't a clue on the crabs..
Zoey looks adorable as ever!
We've only had Dungeness crabs, so can't really compare. But, Dungeness, YUMMMMM!
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