PS ... about Big Bad Boy ... no, he is neither big nor especially bad! In fact as a youngster he was Thelma (or Louise)! It is just that he was hard to keep caged at The Farm and ran loose quite a bit before he was "tutored"!
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
PS ... about Big Bad Boy ... no, he is neither big nor especially bad! In fact as a youngster he was Thelma (or Louise)! It is just that he was hard to keep caged at The Farm and ran loose quite a bit before he was "tutored"!
Yes, it does look like Princess didn't get her royal share of the treats. This is in spite of whatever the silly humans have to say about the matter. What do they know?
oh with a look like that from her I'd soon be giving her more treats...
What's your address? I'm sending treats. Don't worry Princess aid will be arriving soon.
Oooh, I need to practice a look like that....
Hey, I know where there are some rasins! I "marked" the spot under the shelf where they are for you.
Phew. Sorry about getting testy. I feel much better now. guess i needed to get home and have a several-hour snuggle/chompies session with Marvin. Just what the doctor ordered. That, and new photos of your buns.
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