Now Lucky here .... I suppose this is what he thinks of Halloween, and most other Holidays as well! Say - he needs a feet wash. Heeee Heeee .......

What are you planning???
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Oh my almost forgot. Bunny.Nu has a new format and I can comment to it .. yay! And ... some pix on Sticky Buns of Saved Dave visiting the "Kang" in Memphis. W00T and B00 ...
What's your Halloween plans???? We live out away from town, so no visitors except the neighbor boy who always comes dressed up with his Dad dressed up too ... last year - Pirates. Bunny Lady makes him a nice goodie-bag and we take pictures and ooohhh and ahhhh. He always saves me a Snickers or two from his adventures!!!! This year he has a little brother to bring too ... hey! Maybe I'll get even MORE Snickers!!!!
Some years we have a big family gathering and carve "designer" pumpkins and eat and goof off a lot. Probably not this year .. everyone busy with stuff. I'll try to stick on a picture of the past year's works of art .. they are quite something!
Remind me to post, tomorrow, the latest picture of The Princess in her endless mission to shape me up. It will break your heart.
Fortunately a yogurt drop and a nose-rub and some pettin' and I'm back in her good graces. Thank you Princess.
PS - you guys keep up this incessant drum beating for Baxter to take over the blog and you just might be sorry for getting your wish ....