Here is Chico doing his Troll-house routine!!!! He loves this little place outside. He barely fits, but it is lined with straw and hay and is underneath a big rain shield and he can see quite a bit of action.
Someone ... maybe Glenna ... suggested that I line all 10 bunnies up on the couch and read them a story ... can you imagine? ..
... "Quit pushing, Racer!" .. "I call Red Pillow!" .. "RG! Baxter is over on my part!" .. "Ew ... I don't want to sit next to her" .. "Wait, I have to go potty" .. "Aw, I had to sit on the outside last time" .. "When are treats?" .. "Where is Chico? Wait, don't start until Chico is here." .. "You aren't going to read us Bunnicula again are you?" .. "I don't want apple chips, I want banana chips" .. "ZZZZZ .." .. ...
.. "Gosh, I hope we get to do this more often!"
I love the idea of all ten bunnies in a row on the couch....
Chico looks to have found a wonderful little place there. Funnily enough one of the 'guest bunnies' staying at Gorgie Farm, while its owners are on holiday, looks just like Chico...
Nice crib, Chico!
10 bunnies on the couch, waiting for their bedtime story.. now that's cute! Worth at least one shot, no? :D Or you could dress them all up as Santa's elves, that would make a great Xmas photo/postcard!
It's fun to imagine! We like Furrybutts idea of the Santa's elves! Trying to keep costumes on them as well as in line...we'd love to see that happen.
Wouldn't that be a sight! All 10 buns in a row... Chico, I like your digs! If you were here it would be protecting you from the snow instead of the rain:)
Great idea, what a photo op.
"I want to turn the pages!"
"EEEK he's EATING the page! How are we going to know how the story comes out if he eats the page!"
"She's TOUCHING me!"
"Shut up. I can't hear the story."
"I want to sit on RG's lap!" scurries over....
"You sat on RG's lap last time. It's MY turn!"
"Owwww. She's sitting on my head!"
"Look! He just pooped on the sofa!"
I love Chico's little house.
You would actually read Bunnicula to them? But, but...that's a horror story! Oh, wait. 'Tis the season and all that. Never mind.
heehee but we would appreciate the resulting photos if you managed to get any without fur flying ~The Fluffy Tribe
What an awesome place to hang out!
this post made my day! thanks! very funny indeed!
chico looks suave ;-)
Listening to stories I can't believe it .. so cute!
buy night time sleepers from Pet Supplies for them it will be cuter...
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