But gosh ... Racer got two invites ... one to Scotland and one to Malaysia. People ... Racer is NOT going anywhere. He is actually quite content as well. He was just a bit tired from all the action. You can't have him. He is ours!!! Our little Racer-guy!
It's Columbus Day ... the day we bring in the wind chimes until Mother's Day. It is the windy season for that long!!! Sometimes we have some doozeys.
OK.. gotta admit, Benji sure looks contented there.
Oh well, it was worth a shot :D It's nice and warm here, you know.. ALL year round, so if the weather ever turns bad for any of the bunns...... ;)
oh Benji has that dazed and happy bunny look there....
Yeah i guessed Racer wouldn't travel here, it's probably too cold for him anyway, but if he ever changes his mind....
That is a happy looking bun!
Benji looks blissed out. I guess you won't let Racer visit down here either.....
Benji looks happy as heck! Tooth purrs?
Racer we are really jealous you were invited to Scotland. Our Mom has ancerstors there and has NEVER been invited. Hmmmm. Do you happen to have the death by chocolate recipe? ~The Fluffy Tribe
Well, hrmpf ~Rabbie
Hay Racer, we don't have wind issues here... the Bay Area is really really really nice... just sayin'
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