What's your Halloween plans???? We live out away from town, so no visitors except the neighbor boy who always comes dressed up with his Dad dressed up too ... last year - Pirates. Bunny Lady makes him a nice goodie-bag and we take pictures and ooohhh and ahhhh. He always saves me a Snickers or two from his adventures!!!! This year he has a little brother to bring too ... hey! Maybe I'll get even MORE Snickers!!!!
Some years we have a big family gathering and carve "designer" pumpkins and eat and goof off a lot. Probably not this year .. everyone busy with stuff. I'll try to stick on a picture of the past year's works of art .. they are quite something!
Love those pumpkins!
Yes, great pumpkins--are they yours?
We don't have any Halloween plans here, although we did buy some candy for when the kids come around.
Nice pumpkins.
Great pumpkin carving skills!
No Halloween plans for us.. it's not really celebrated here :(
I was going to dress Hef up as a football, but then Hef's dad left so now I am not in a celebrating mood. I was going to be a bunny like last year. I wanted to make a bunny pumpkin, carve a bunny face and ears out of the back and stick them on with toothpicks but I am not observing this year. I may dress Hef up as a football for some football event.
I is bunna be Daddy.
Daddy is bunna be John McCain.
Mama is bunna be Sarah Palin.
Wonderful pumpkins! Sounds like a fun and enjoyable Halloween at your house. We live smack in the middle of super-suburbia, so we get tons of kids, but I think I would prefer your Halloween.
Cool pumpkins! We're in the city so we get TONS of kids. It's fun to see them all dressed up and we always run out of candy.
Got our pumpkins last weekend. They never got carved though, oh well, too busy. Got the inside and outside decorated at the beginning of the month. We expect over 100 kids, so we went to Costco and got 2 BIG bags of candy. The only problem this year is that I'm going to miss my favorite show because the door bell will be ringing non-stop!
Those are some cool looking pumpkins! We don't get many trick-or-treaters here, but we always buy lots of candy just in case (in Deb's favorite varieties!)
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