Here is a mystery bun bumm - Guesses ?????

Yes, Baxter the Mini Lop is bigger than Benji the Holland, and a Holland seems to have what you might call more "Dainty" features .. Benji has little pantaloons on his front legs! I think Minis are usually more easy going. Racer and Winston and Lucky are also Hollands, and so was Stanley.
Those are lovely bums on bunns!
wow that's some attitude you have!
interesting differences between the 2 and maybe explains some of why i think bilbo, my holland lop, hated me... more so than any other bunny - she just had a serious tude
thanks for the splanation
Those are some pretty furry tushies!
Mystery bunn bum??? I guess Lucky or Chico.
So would you say Mario is a mini lop? I always thought he was because of the proportion of his ears, but he's not too big (5 lbs).
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