It is harvest time at the H.O.Rabbits. We have three small apple trees and here is a pretty shot of the ones just ready to pick. There are quite a few and we all will be enjoying apples as fast as we can!!!
I think either the Google people all toss out funny names for the robot-testers after a few company beers or else we are seeing all the word-arrangements that did not make the cut for becoming the name of a new wonder drug!!!!

Yup, Baxter is surely a keeper. Do Bunns help with the apples? Can you believe it the word verification is ringemp ?????
oh now d moll's word verification is spooky. my name is emily p and i used to drive a black new beetle named ringo. Today mine is coniona. Someone was having coronas! Rabbits guy guessed it!
Bunnies and fresh apples sound like a winner of a combination!
Oh, I never realised Baxter's real size, until now.. he's quite big, isn't he! All the more bunny to hug :D
Looks like the Bunns are gonna enjoy this harvest! We can help, too LOL!
Gosh he's a big fluffy bunny! My partner's parents' apple trees are laden down with fruit too, lots of apple crumbles....
Wow! Look at all that fruit! Bet the Bunns will enjoy getting a piece of apple.
(The official word verification letters below spell "hosan" as in "Go get the hosan the rake, so we can finish up this fall gardening.")
Oooh, apple trees! You guys are lucky!
How lovely to see Baxter all stretched on the lap...I wish mine were so tame, they don't do laps at all :( And to think that they do also very lovely warming units, with all the cold weather we're just starting to get...
My friend and bunnysitter Amy has an apple tree too...the fallen apples are free bunty for the bunnies when they are out and about - they love them!
And what about this...my verification word is "formen" - so, not too bad to type really!
ohhh my.
I've ALWAYS envied those lucky enough to have french lops.
And THAT looks like a french lop...
so therefore, that makes ME jealous of YOU.
Baxter has bunnage!I've been getting caught up here and I have to say that it must be difficult to deal with such a wide variety of bun emotions. How do you cope?
I have another installment for Das Shticky Buns. It's on http://underatinroofsky.blogspot.com
Yummy apples. And also for the buns, yummy apple sticks!
My word verification is gationi. As in I gationi, so now I need to go to the dr.
he's adorable
Mario would like an invite to dine on apple slices. He wants to know why we don't grow our own stuff here.
Owh, Baxter is enjoying his lazy!
Hi Baxter and the other bunnies in the house!! We're new blogger. We would like to add u to our Fluffies' Blog Friends list so that we can come and visit ur blog again and again.. Keep up blogging, blog fren!
You would be comfy in a sling. I was never a lap bun until my sling. Now I love to flop out in it.
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