Oh my almost forgot. Bunny.Nu has a new format and I can comment to it .. yay! And ... some pix on Sticky Buns of Saved Dave visiting the "Kang" in Memphis. W00T and B00 ...
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Oh my almost forgot. Bunny.Nu has a new format and I can comment to it .. yay! And ... some pix on Sticky Buns of Saved Dave visiting the "Kang" in Memphis. W00T and B00 ...
yes Zinger left us for the bridge :( but we're doing better. i miss the guy a lot. send some nose bumps over to diva kitty and the fluffies, Lando is sick. he was not pooping and then pooped but wouldn't eat.
Scary cupcake.....
Black bunny for Halloween is a definite improvement over a black cat! Or so says Cadbury.
Cute cupcake you are, Racer!
oh racer, adorable racer,
Hef says at least he didn't put you in a girly hat!
you do look very disapproving of that "pumpkin" Racer
hope you all have a happy halloweenie
Racer is cute as a button, even if he's disapproving of the pumpkins!
Happy Halloween to all of you :)
Racer is a centerpiece!
Hehe better than a black cat!
oops we were logged in as my mom! hehe -- the last one was me!
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